GREER HIGH SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER QUARTERLY REPORT First Quarter 2014 Harriet Kicker, Media Specialist LeAnn Kiser, Media Specialist Debbie Brown, Clerk Mr. Marion Waters, Principal
Speed Dating with a Book When students visit the media center with their English classes to select a book for reading, it is often difficult to find a book amongst all the book shelves! Solution: Speed Dating with a Book! It’s fun! It gives students a chance to get to know a book before forming a "committed relationship“. It gets books into their hands that they really enjoy and actually finish! Students read the cover, front and back flaps, and first page of the book during the “dating” period. Students rotate through the tables finding the perfect date! Every perfect date ends with a “chocolate” kiss!
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) Depicting Themes in Literature with Mr. Cherney’s classes In the classroom, the teacher instructed lessons on Romeo and Juliet (9 th ) and Monster (10 th ) & the good qualities of PSA’s. In the media center, the media specialists instructed lessons on evaluating websites & Movie Maker. Result: Student-created PSA’s on literature themes! This is a fine example of collaboration! Please let us know if you would like to try this with your classes!
In the STAFF drive, click on the PSA’s folder to see three examples of public service announcements from Mr. Cherney’s English classes.
Research using Discus Databases username: discus2015 password: learnhere
Quarterly Report -Collaboration Collaborative Topics/ Units Covered: 1.Library orientation for English I classes 2.Speed dating with books for reading materials 3.Evaluating websites for research 4.Movie Maker for public service announcement 5.Research using databases Collaborations between Media Specialist & Teacher Month# of units taught collaboratively August1 unit (4 teachers, 7 classes) September1 unit (4 teachers, 6 classes) October4 units (2 teachers, 3 classes) November December January February March April May/June Total
Young Adult Books-to-Movies Display Take some time to read a YA book and see the movie! Talk about it with your students…
Greer High School Media Center Quarterly Report Highlights: Books, DVDs, and eBooks ordered to support standards -- Please continue to submit requests for materials! Media center orientation for new teachers Media Center Teacher Handbook on staff drive in media center folder Media center orientation for all freshman English classes SAT workshop held in MC IB & website professional development in MC
Quarterly Report – Media Center Usage Month Average # of Students Before School Total Walk-In Students- Not classes Average # of Students Per Day – Not classes Blocks MC used by classes / Blocks MC open Blocks labs 55, 56, 217 used / Blocks open Total Monthly Circulation – Teachers & Students Total Student Circulation Aug. 7 days /2846/ Sep. 21 days /8496/ Oct. 14 days /5464/ Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May/Jun Total
Quarterly Report - Other Duties & Professional Development Great Online Webinars for Teachers:, a free professional learning and social network, surpassed 100,000 members on Oct. 5, World Teacher Day, and just as educators around the world began celebrating Connected Educator Month. 240 tech requests by TAC New Fixed Asset Check-out Forms returned GHS website updated regularly Participated in Learn 360, Google Apps, Online Book Study: Indispensable, and Device Petting Zoo professional development Weeding fiction section of outdated, worn, unused copies
Learn 360 replaces Discovery Ed Delete all Discovery Education content. We no longer have rights. e= Click link above to set up your account if you haven’t this school year! Since new Learn 360 product this year: create new username and password to whatever you want to remember! Any questions, ask your media specialists!
Search from home page: Basic,Advanced Search, or Browse Standards Advanced Searching allows one to search by series, publisher, languages, & more Content in Learn 360 includes images, sound files, & editable videos (clips & full) My Learn 360 Tab stores your Favorites and your Playlists Favorites (takes you to the video page) and My Playlist (automatically plays the video)
Breaks video down into clips! Add to My Favorites or My Playlists Clicking on the download button doesn’t let you designate where to save it, just goes to download page. Right click on download button in Chrome and you can save as. You can designate where you save it!
Yellow Jackets Book Club Meets during all 3 lunches The first and last Friday of the month! SEPT: Speed dating with books OCT: Students are reading from the SC Young Adult Book Award books (YABA).
HAPPY HALLOWEEN Come get a scary book to read for Halloween!