Deposit Refunds At the end of the license period, the rooms will be inspected for damage; the deposit will be refunded less any damage charged and any outstanding amounts. Deposit refunds will be made by electronic transfer into the student’s designated bank account. After all required deductions have been processed, an will be sent to the students UCD connect requiring the student to enter their bank account details onto a designated web page in their SIS account. Once the bank details have been entered correctly the transfer will be made by the UCD accounts department as part of the next available payment transfer. Please consult your bank to ensure details entered are exactly as required for an electronic transfer from Ireland into your bank account. Students have six months to enter these details, after six months, the deposit refund will be allocated to student residence life projects
To nominate your bank account 1. Log into your SISweb Portal account using your UCD ID (Student Number) and your Password/PIN which is by default your Date of Birth in the form DDMMYY. 2.Click “Login”