Kevin Plank The Creator Of Under Armour By Eddie Small
Founder Kevin Plank started Under Armour in He was a football player with the University of Maryland. He got tired of having to change out of the sweat- soaked T-shirts he wore under his jersey, so he made a T-shirt using moisture- wicking fabric for athletic performance. He called it “Under Armour”.
Kevin started out working in his grandmas basement. By 1996, Under Armour had made $17,000. Kevin had $100,000 in orders to fill, and found a factory in Ohio to make the shirts.
People began to take notice of the brand when a front page photo of USA Today featured Oakland Raiders quarterback Jeff George wearing an Under Armour mock turtleneck. Under Armour's first major sale came when an equipment manager from Georgia Tech asked Kevin Plank for 350 shirts. This opened a contract with N.C State and sales began going through the roof.
The Reason Under Armour is so successful is because it is the only shirt of its kind that has moisture-wicking fabric for athletic performance.
The stock Under Armour is doing well and I Recommend you buy it.
Thank you, I hope you learned a lot about Kevin plank and Under Armour. Next time you go to a store ask for Under Armour. DirectorEddie Small ProducerEddie Small EditorMr.Schiff