Graphing Basics
Why do we graph? Visual representation of data “Short hand” for presenting large amounts of information at once Easier to visualize trends than by just using numbers or figures More organized way of showing information
Types of Graphs: Data Table Height (cm) of Jr. High Students by Grade 7th8th9th Used to organize data collected Easily make transition from raw numbers into a visual representation
Types of Graphs: Bar Graph Shows data as a side-by- side comparison X axis is usually used to plot independent variable Y axis is usually used to plot dependent variable
Types of Graphs: Line Graph Usually shows a change over time or distance X axis is used to plot independent variable (time, distance, etc.) Y axis plots the dependent variable
Types of Graphs: Pie Chart Shows parts of a whole (percentages) Must have all data available and no groups can share any data Example: Can’t use a circle graph to show athletes by sport at TH Bell
Parts of a Graph
Graph Title Y Axis Label - Include units X Axis Label Legend
Graph Title Y Axis Label Legend X Axis Label
Data Label Graph Title