How do we encounter other people of faith? This course will fulfil the expectations of the Church in its desire that students in Catholic schools develop an objective and respectful understanding of other religious traditions from the perspective of the Catholic Church. To that end, student learning will include an understanding of the Church’s teachings on world religious traditions and those principles which inform ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, together with an historical overview of the Church’s relationship with various religions, particularly Judaism and Islam. For all students, this course will help break down prejudice about other religions, and for some they may lead to a deeper understanding and more authentic adherence to the teachings of the Church concerning spiritual and moral truth. Other religious traditions are encountered through the unique perspective of the Catholic Church.
What do we mean by other people of faith? THINK – PAIR – SHARE What other faiths have you encountered? Perhaps you know someone of another faith; Perhaps you have heard about other faiths in the media; What do you know about these faiths? What common characteristics might these faiths hold?
How might the Golden Rule be universal? How might we distinguish between morals & ethics? Why might this be significant?
How might the Pope’s vision for ecumenism impact our learning? Read the article, “POPE URGES ALL RELIGIONS TO UNITE FOR GOOD” and respond to the questions in two well-formed paragraphs. To what type of relations with people of other faiths does Pope Francis call us? How might the spirit of ‘encounter’ be present in these relations? How might these relations resonate with your understanding of ecumenism? How might these relations influence our studies during the semester? What might you expect to learn this semester? How might you best like to learn this semester? What might I need to know about you to assist you in learning this semester?