How To Make The Castle Himeji
Step 1 Draw a a bid rectangle the size of 40 feet with the rectangle tool Step 2 in one of the sides of the rectangle draw anouther rectangle the size of about a third of the rectangle Step 3 Then grab the push and pull tool and pull up the house about the same height as the picture.
Step 4 On top of the rectangle Step 5 Then make a smaller rectangle inside the rectangle and push and pull Step 6 Then make 2 small squares on the top of the building and push and pull.
Step 7 now we make the roof by putting a line straight in the middle of the squares Step 8 now use the push pull tool and pull the line up to make a roof. Step 9 Then use the arc tool on the roves and push/pull them back so they look like the picture down the bottom.
Step 10 Draw a window on the the side of the wall Step 11 Use the copy/ move tool and hold control and drag the window and anouther one will come out keep repeating this till it is full all around Step 12 Use the push/pull tool to push in the windows in the corner write 1’’ Step 13 Colour all of it in the colour you want then it should look like this
Step14 Repeat for the other building except ad 2 more floors This should be your final product
By Kathryn Heilbronn