Teaching Interpersonal Skills - The Concept of Social Risk Analysis Niclas Andersson Associate Professor, PhD. Technical University of Denmark
17/04/2008Presentation name2DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Teaching Interpersonal Skills - The Concept of Social Risk Analysis -A practical approach to the teaching of interpersonal skills -The concept of Social Risk Analysis -Applied and reviewed in two engineering courses
17/04/2008Presentation name3DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Course Design The Teaching Process The Work Process The Social Process
17/04/2008Presentation name4DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Teaching interpersonal Skills – The Social Risk Analysis The Social Process IntroductionRecurrent ReviewsReport An Integrated part of the Curriculum: Learning Objectives – Teaching Activities - Assessment
17/04/2008Presentation name5DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 50% 0% Impact of the Social Risk Analysis on the work performance of the group? PositiveNegative
17/04/2008Presentation name6DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 38%50%13%0% EasyDifficult … to understand the structure and content of the Social Risk Analysis?
17/04/2008Presentation name7DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 13%63%13% AgreeDisagree The Social Risk Analysis made it easier and more acceptable to talk about interpersonal relations, conflicts and other social issues
17/04/2008Presentation name8DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 75%25%0% RelevantIrrelevant Are teaching of Interpersonal Skills of important relevance for engineering students at technical universities?
17/04/2008Presentation name9DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 0%100% YesNo Previous experiences with teaching of Interpersonal Skills at a university?
17/04/2008Presentation name10DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark The Social Risk Analysis – Step by Step Step 1: Identification of Common Issues of Analysis Step 2: Self-Conception (individual self-analysis) Step 3: Identification of Potential Conflict Areas Step 4: Agreement on Fundamental Principles for the Teamwork Step 5: Recurrent Review the Social Risk Analysis Step 6: Assessment and Concluding Report of the Social Process - Priorities (job, family, etc.) - Work conditions - Personality - Behavior (Co-operation…) - Ambition level - …
17/04/2008Presentation name11DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Conclusions - Teaching Interpersonal Skills The Student Perspective Positive attitude among students Recognise the importance of interpersonal skills Find the Social Risk Analysis useful and easy to manage Encourages and imposes a critical review of the social interaction Facilitates communication and teamwork performance The social process facilitates the work process The Course Perspective Possible to integrate interpersonal skills in the curriculum of engineering Constructive alignm.: learning objectives - teaching activities - assessment Course design: impel cooperation, communication and participation