High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy Vicente Melguizo
High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) is one of the external relations instruments of the European Union (EU) Although the charge was born in The Treaty of “Maastricht (1992)”, it’s actual form and tasks were decided during the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997). It constitutes the 2 nd pillar for the EU, involving intergovernmental cooperation between M. States.
Tasks To safeguard the common values and fundamental interests of the Union. To strengthen the security of the Union. To preserve peace and strengthen international security. To promote international cooperation. To develop democracy and the rule of law, including human rights.
Man on charge The High Representative for CFSP is Javier Solana, he is also the Secretary General for the EU Council. Mr. Solana assists the Council in foreign policy matters, through contributing to the formulation, preparation and implementation of European policy decisions. He acts on behalf of the Council in conducting political dialogue with third parties. As his charge states, he is present at the most important decisions involving international affairs (i.e. Kosovo)
Recent interventions About the independence of Kosovo. ▫Javier Solana’s work was that of encouraging all parts to try to act responsibly, and try to find some unanimous decision among members. Conference of Foreign Affairs, Ljubljana. ▫In this conference, Solana shared with many other politicians what the current state was concerning many important matters nowadays (Balkans, Middle East, Climate change…)
Future of the CFSP With the future treaty, already modified in Lisbon in 2007, it is decided that the High Representative for CFSP is to be substituted for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Attaining also the charge of vice-president for the European Commission. This way High Representative for CFSP will remain just as a part of the minister.