How To Accomplish This Using Google Forms
Google Drive - online documents with real-time collaboration Web-based documents, spreadsheets, drawings and presentations that let users edit the same file at the same time so you always have the latest version.
Anytime, anywhere access to your work Google Drive is securely powered by the web, giving you the flexibility to be productive from your desk, on the road, at home and on your mobile phone, even when you're offline.
Works across operating systems Google Drive works in the browser on PC, Mac and Linux computers, and supports popular formats such as.doc,.xls,.ppt, and.pdf.
Easily upload and share files Files stored on Google Drive are always accessible from anywhere and backed-up online.
Secure access controls Administrators can manage file sharing permissions system-wide, and document owners can share and revoke file access at any time.
Why Google Forms Its Free (Don’t let this hurt you) Web-based (In the Clouds) Available on all devices You can share the form with – Assistant – Partner – Realtor partner Instant notification Easy to duplicate Live Link Embed code in blog, website, Facebook
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A Couple of Keys Define the goal of your squeeze page Have a follow up plan in place Have your offer packaged and ready Have a plan to follow up long term after delivery Make your offer valuable to the target Analyze your results, and perfect your squeeze page as you go
A few ideas Agent Marketing Analysis (face to face meeting, ask them what they are doing now, what they struggle at. Then every week bring them value in help with those things) Niche info (first time home buyer info, VA loan FAQ’s, Reverse Mortgage qualifications, USDA area map) Invitation to your event (classes you teach, classes you have access to, lunch and learn, happy hour, ice cream social) Access to your property system