Mission The Kentucky Department of Education’s mission is to prepare all Kentucky students for next-generation learning, work and citizenship by engaging schools, districts, families and communities through excellent leadership, service and support. Vision The Kentucky Department of Education’s vision is to ensure that all students reach proficiency and graduate from high school ready for college and careers.
What are we doing at KDE to reach our vision? Kentucky Board of Education Goals Delivery Novice Reduction / Gap Closure Response to Intervention / Kentucky System of Intervention House Bill 69 (2012) Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Restraint and Seclusion (2013) Project KY-AWARE
K KBE Goals
K Delivery Plan
K Learning Systems Strategy Core instruction with interventions systems PBIS AP / Dual Credit Courses Program Review Audits CCR, Graduation Rate, Gap, Proficiency, 3 rd Grade, PR
K Novice Reduction / Gap Closure Presented initially at the February KBE meeting Schools and districts would earn points based on the percentage of the annual goal met in reading and mathematics 8 Core Work Processes – Design and deliver curriculum; – Design and deliver instruction; – Design and deliver assessment literacy; – Review, analyze and use data results; – Design, align and deliver support processes; – Establish learning culture/environment; – Align community support partners; and – Monitor legal requirements
K House Bill KAR 3:095 (2012) 704 KAR 3:095 Section 2 (1): Multi-tiered systems of support, including differentiated core academic and behavioral instruction and targeted, intensive academic and behavioral intervention, delivered by individuals most qualified to provide the intervention services, that maximize student achievement and reduce behavioral problems…..
K Restraint and Seclusion 704 KAR 7:160 (2013) Section 1 (11) "Positive behavioral supports" means a school-wide systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools – free, web-based, annual training modules Documentation of PBIS used prior to and after a Restraint or Seclusion event
K Project KY-AWARE $8.1 million from the Department for Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Goal 1: Increase awareness Goal 2: Connect with appropriate services Goal 3: Provide training Goal 4: Interagency collaboration / coordination
K Framework for Teaching (PGES)
Reaching sucess through MTSS KBE GoalsDelivery Novice Reduction / Gap Closure RtI / KSIPGESHB 69 Restraint / Seclusion KY-AWARE