Space Plasma Research at UTA J. L. Horwitz Department of Physics The University of Texas at Arlington.


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Presentation transcript:

Space Plasma Research at UTA J. L. Horwitz Department of Physics The University of Texas at Arlington

UTA Space Plasma Group  Dr. J. L. Horwitz, Professor and Department Chair  Dr. Wen Zeng, Post-Doctoral Researcher  Ms. Fajer Jaafari, Doctoral Graduate Student  Cf. also Dr. Yi-Jiun Su, Assistant Professor of Physics  Funded by National Science Foundation and NASA



High-latitude Ionosphere


POLAR/TIDE/UVI observations of ionospheric field-aligned flows and auroral forms at 5000 km Ù Stevenson et al.[2001] employed POLAR Southern perigee observations to elicit relationships of high- latitude O + field-aligned flows observed by TIDE to auroral forms by UVI. Ù Typically, auroral emissions associated with upflows, dark regions with down-flows. POLAR/TIDE Parallel Flows with Auroral Forms for May 4,1996

 It is useful to divide the field-aligned ionospheric flows according to altitude region: ù F-region/topside up/down flows--> km altitude, km altitude, <1-2 eV, gravitation- ally-bound, influenced by frictional ion heating, ambi- polar electric fields, soft electron precipitation-Te, ionization. ù Energized ion outflows-- > R E, eV, conics, beams, perp. wave heating, parallel E-fields, etc.

Dynamic Fluid-Kinetic(DyFK) treatment for ionospheric field-aligned flows Dynamic Fluid-Kinetic(DyFK) treatment for ionospheric field-aligned flows  Estep et al.[1999] and Wu et al.[1999, 2002] developed a time- dependent treatment for treating field-aligned plasma flow, joining a fluid treatment for the ionosphere ( km) to a GSK treatment for the upper altitude regions(800 km up) Ü Treating effects of soft electron precipitation, transverse ion heating and hot plasma-driven driven potentials, including a “pressure cooker” situation. Wu et al.[1999] Wu et al.[1999]

POLAR/TIDE-DyFK Comparisons in Cleft Ion Fountain Paradigm[Tu et al., 2005]

IMAGE/RPI Electron Densities

DyFK-IMAGE/RPI Comparisons: Simulation Convection Trajectories[Tu et al., 2004b]

DyFK-IMAGE/RPI-DMSP Profile 3 Comparison [Tu et al., 2004b]

DyFK-IMAGE/RPI-DMSP Profile 2 comparison with and without auroral processes [Tu et al., 2004b]

Characteristic Ion Distributions in the Dynamic Auroral Transition Region Characteristic Ion Distributions in the Dynamic Auroral Transition Region Zeng et al.[2005]