ATHEIST - DEFINITION An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of a god. Etymology: atheos, from Ancient Greek; literally means without god. a- “without” + theos “god” Atheist contrasts with the term theist, or a person that believes in the existence of a god.
AGNOSTIC - DEFINITION 1 st Definition: An agnostic is a person who does not know if there is a god. 2 nd Definition: A person who doubts or does not have knowledge in some area of study. Etymology: agnostos, from Ancient Greek; literally means without knowledge. a- “without” + gnostos “knowledge”
BELIEF VS KNOWELDGE Atheism is about belief. Agnosticism is about knowledge. The two terms are not mutually exclusive. Not all agnostics are atheists and not all atheists are agnostics.
RENE DESCARTES Was a theist. Only had belief in two things: A) Himself B) The existence of God Single handedly started modern philosophy.
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE Was an atheist. Is most famous for the quote “God is dead”. He saw god as a concept used to justify morality. All philosophy after Nietzsche is a response to Nietzsche.
CHARLES DARWIN Was an agnostic theist. Most famous for On the Origin of Species and our current concept of evolutionary theory “The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.“ – Charles Darwin
DAVID HUME Was an agnostic atheist. Thought that we didn’t have a reason to believe the sun would rise each morning. Skepticism: Everything in the universe can be doubted.
Conclusion Questions?
REFERENCES Agnostic. (n.d.). In Unabridged. Retrieved from: Atheism. (n.d.). In Unabridged. Retrieved from: Darwin, Charles. (1958). The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809–1882. Barlow, Nora, (Ed.). London: Collins. (Original work published 1887) Elliott & Fry (Photographer). (1879). Charles Darwin [Photograph]. Retrieved from: Hals, Frans Franchoisz (Painter). (1649). Portrait of René Descartes [Painting]. Retrieved from: _Portret_van_Ren%C3%A9_Descartes.jpg
REFERENCES Hartmann, F. (Photographer). (1875). Friedrich Nietzsche [Photograph]. Retrieved from: Ramsay, Allan (Photographer). (1766). David Hume, Historian and philosopher [Painting]. Retrieved from: _David_Hume,_1711_-_1776._Historian_and_philosopher_- _Google_Art_Project.jpg Smart, J. J. C. (2011). Atheism and Agnosticism. In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Spring 2013 Edition). Stanford, California: Stanford University.