Butterflies and Blooms
In woods around the world, like Wisconsin’s Northwoods, plants provide food and shelter for lots of animals. Wood anemoneEastern redbud Western Jacob's ladder
In exchange, insects such as butterflies, carry pollen from one plant to help plants reproduce. Apollo butterfly
Bees eat nectar from flowers… and catch pollen on their wings causing them to move it from one plant to another. Honey bee
Hummingbirds use their long tongues to extract nectar from flowers. Rufous hummingbird
Summer The seasons of the woods Spring Winter Autumn
Butterflies depend on certain plants to complete metamorphosis.
In Wisconsin’s Northwoods these butterflies … … depend on these flowers to survive. Monarch butterfly Swamp metalmarkNorthern blue butterfly Dwarf milkweed Marsh marigoldDwarf bilberry
In this activity, you will create a summer bloom wheel for Wisconsin’s Northwoods and learn about different butterflies found there and the plants they depend on to survive. Make your own summer bloom wheel Activity