Science in the Web- enhanced Classroom Wait, isn't this just flipped lessons? Aren't they a lot of work? Why me? Why today?
What is a web-enhanced classroom? It is your classroom extended outside your building. It is a chance to enhance classroom learning with more opportunities for labs, inquiry activities, reflective writing, and small group learning. It is an opportunity to place the responsibility for learning in the control of the student.
Isn’t this a “flipped classroom”? It could be; but, it could be much more. Typical flipped classrooms offer the note- taking part of the lesson online and the practical or independent practice part of the lesson within the class. Example: a biology teacher lectures the vocabulary and anatomy of a DNA molecule online and uses the time in class to have the students make models of DNA.
Isn’t this a “flipped classroom”? Flipped classrooms are a powerful part of the web-enhanced classroom experience; but, it could be much more. A fully web-enhanced classroom could be used to allow a sick student to retrieve notes, attend a lecture, observe a lab on a day that they are absent, allow for homework help at home, peer review journals and lab write- ups, or about any other thing that you want to do in your class.
Why should I do this? Because it is becoming a necessary part of college readiness. Because your class becomes more portable to your students Because it connects you and your content to your students homes, work, and non-school activities.
Why should I do this? Time - use the video to deliver vocabulary, review, and conceptual information. Have the students watch the video in lieu of having homework. Then, use your class time for labs, activities, and "classwork" assistance. No more relying on classmates for spotty notes when a student is absent access to printable notes for your special education students.
How do I make my classroom web-enhanced? Choose content that you would normally present in class. Choose an appropriate method for conveying the information. Put it on the web for your students to use.
What content do you suggest? Any content that you feel comfortable to share in an environment that anyone could see. It is easiest to stick with basic conceptual content, processes, and vocabulary. Labs and demos are easy to video for students that might not have been at school on the day that you worked on them. Problems involving math are somewhat harder to prep.
Any particular formats? Start with whatever you are comfortable trying. Voiced over powerpoints are a good place to start.
Any particular formats? Short videos are great for labs and demonstrations. (Don't freak out over your production quality. The kids don't really expect your videos to look like the discovery channel.)
Any particular formats? Sometimes a captioned still-photo format can be useful like this experiment captured in Snapguide. metal/
I'm still nervous. Got any guidelines? Keep it short. Seven to twelve minutes is about the limit of your students attention. Don't be afraid of re-takes. Although the students don't expect discovery channel production quality, they deserve clearly enunciated words and correct information that matches up to whatever is on the screen. Always tie your lesson to a quiz or assignment.
I'm still nervous. Got any guidelines? Approach this as a team. Use your PLC time to discuss what should be in the lesson, break it up, and do your part in a timely manner. Always put the video or voice over on your fusionpage along with the original powerpoint document or notes. Utilize youtube. Your students phones can all view youtube videos; but not all of them can download from a fusionpage.
Let’s get started. What format? Video, powerpoint, online quiz. Video - What camera will you use? - video camera, digital camera, phone. Make sure you use a tripod. Powerpoint - do you have a microphone? How are you going to convert it to a video format? How are you going to have your students access the online content?