INTERCO Workshop Investigating storylines on territorial cohesion MC meeting 16.11.2010 Liege ESPON Seminar 17.11.2010, Liege ESPON Seminar 18.11.2010,


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Presentation transcript:

INTERCO Workshop Investigating storylines on territorial cohesion MC meeting Liege ESPON Seminar , Liege ESPON Seminar , Liege Open Workshop , Brussels

INTERCO Aim: Develop indicators and indices that can be used to measure territorial cohesion, complex territorial development, structural issues, territorial challenges and opportunities as well as territorial effects at different geographical levels and types of regions. Lead: University of Geneva Timeframe: November 2010 – January 2011: Screening the demand February 2011 – September 2011: Indicator work Autumn 2011: Workshops on preliminary findings Winter 2011/12: Fine tuning Final Report February 2012

5 Stories about Territorial Cohesion Competitiveness, smart growth, use of territorial potentials in a polycentric Europe Balanced development, inclusive growth, equality, fair access to services Local development focus, endogenous local potentials, access to nearest centre Geographical specificities, islands, mountainous, rural and sparsely populated areas Coordination of policies, territorial impacts, synergies, costs of non- coordination Others, such as environment The stories are not mutually exclusive, they highlight different facets

Territorial Cohesion: Competitiveness Story Aim: contribute to growth and boost European competitiveness Focus: territorial potentials connectivity large urban agglomerations as ‘motors‘ / agglomeration effects Rationale: economies of agglomeration new economic geography growth pole theory Indicators: connectivity of MEGAs territorial distribution of MEGAs international headquarters...

Territorial Cohesion: Balanced Development Story Aim: contribute to inclusive growth, fair access to infrastructure and services (and possibly redistribution of wealth) Focus: territorial diversity specific comparative advantages ‘equal’ or fair development opportunities Rationale: endogenous development potentials negative effects of extreme economic imbalances Indicators: GDP per capita gini coefficient access to infrastructure and services of general interest social welfare indicators...

Territorial Cohesion: Local Development Story Aim: focus on local development conditions and in particular the access to the nearest economic centres (place-based policy making) Focus: territorial diversity and fragilities of small and ‘peripheral’ places specific development conditions intangible development factors Rationale: endogenous development potentials (incl. soft factors) territorial context as exogenous development factor Indicators: access to the nearest economic centre ‘uniqueness’ of the assembly of business activity various ‘local cluster’ measures...

Territorial Cohesion: Geographical Specificities Story Aim: reduction of disparities in the level of development – related to geographical specificities (Treaty) Focus: backwardness of the least favoured regions (regions in industrial transition, rural, peripheral, sparsely populated, mountainous and border regions, and islands) Rationale: ‘compensation’ for permanent handicaps Indicators: access to the nearest economic centre population density dependency ratios...

Territorial Cohesion: Sector Coordination Story Aim: Dialogue with other sectors in order to strengthen the territorial dimension in various policy fields – better synergies Focus: costs of non-coordination integration / coordination of policies territorial impact assessment Rationale: network governance polity and politics Indicators: governance indicators policy integration indicators...

Territorial Cohesion: Others / Environment Aim: Environmental dimension of territorial development Focus: green growth environmental assets energy issues Rationale: sustainable development Indicators:...

Towards your territorial cohesion balance

World Café One table = one storyline 20 minutes discussion at each table Move to new table = new storyline 20 minutes discussion at each table (start with short intro by the host) Step. 1: Discussion at your table Step 3: Sum up and report Step 2: Change tables

5 Stories about Territorial Cohesion A - white) Competitiveness, smart growth, use of territorial potentials in a polycentric Europe B – yellow ) Balanced development, inclusive growth, equality, fair access to services C – green) Local development focus, endogenous local potentials, access to nearest centre D – blue) Geographical specificities, islands, mountainous, rural and sparsely populated areas E – red) Coordination of policies, territorial impacts, synergies, costs of non-coordination F – organge) Environment as important future dimension

Questions for the World Café Flesh out your storyline: What distinguishes your storyline from the others ? What are the basic ideas behind the storyline ? What are the main rationales to be developed in the storyline ? First ideas on how the storyline can be measured ?

Reporting and discussion It’s your turn !

Thank you very much ! For further input reflections please contact the INTERCO team, e.g.