Bench Technical Fouls (10-4) To present to the chapter the methods of properly administering: Bench Technical Fouls
Measurable Outcome The York Chapter Basketball Officials will be able to: List 3 Bench Technical Fouls
Bench Technical Fouls (10-4) Head coach is responsible for his/her own conduct and behavior including bench personnel. Bench Personnel shall not... 1.Unsporting Foul Disrespectfully addressing an official Attempting to influence an official's decision Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures Disrespectfully addressing, baiting or taunting an opponent. Objecting to an official's decision by rising from the bench or using gestures. Inciting undesirable crowd reactions
Bench Technical Fouls 2.Enter the court unless by permission of an official to attend an injured player. 3.Use tobacco, or smokeless tobacco. 4.Stand at the team bench while the clock is running or is stopped, and must remain seated, except: –State adopted Coaching Box. (10-5-1). 5.Leave the confines of the bench during a fight or when a fight may break out. –The head coach may enter the court in the situation where a fight may break out – or has broken out – to prevent the situation from escalating
Bench Technical Fouls Before giving a Technical, Ask yourself: 1.Does it Fit? 2.Does it make the game better? 3.Can the League/Chapter Support it? Dealing with Assistants: 1.Time outs – Get them involved in game. 2.Asst Gesturing/Motioning? – What do you do? 3.Other suggestions?
Bench Technical Penalty: Two free throws plus ball for division-line throw- in. If the head coach is the offender, the foul is charged directly to him/her. The foul is charged to the offender (if not the head coach) and also charged indirectly to the head coach. (ie. Fighting) Flagrant foul, the offender is disqualified. Disqualification: 1 st Technical – Loss of Coaching Box 2 nd Direct Technical Foul - Disqualification Combination: 1 Direct, 2 Indirect - Disqualification
Disqualification Form