Which Brand of Popcorn Will Least Amount of Kernals Unpopped?
Purpose The reason we are doing this project is so we can see which brand of popcorn has the least amount of kernals unpopped. Hypothesis We think that Act 2 is going to have the least kernals unpopped.
Materials microwave kernel counter 3 bags of Act2 3 bags of POP Weaver 3 bags of Pop Secret Recording sheet
Procedures 1. We bought 3 different brands of popcorn at Walmart. 2. Then we took it to school for the exspearament . 3. We took the popcorn boxes out of the bag. 4. We took the popcorn bag out of the box. 5. We went to the kitchen and took the plastic wrapping off the popcorn bag itself. 6. We popped one of each brand of popcorn. 7. Repeat step 4,5,and 6 two more times then open bag of popcorn and count all the kernals for each bag. 8.Then we all the popcorn.
Graphed Results
Conclusion Our hypothesis was wrong, because Act 2 had the most, Pop Weaver had the least amount of kernals unpopped.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mrs. Bowman, Mr. Snow, and Gage’s grandma
Tyler Snow & Gage 4th Grade