January – June 2014 Biannual Economic and Capacity Survey 1
Firm distribution based on Annual Turnover (based on responses received) Category by gross annual income % of firms 0 – R1,5m 5% R1,5m – R11,5m 42% > R11,5m 52% Total 100.0% Category by gross annual income % of firms 0 – R1,5m 35% R1,5m – R11,5m 46% > R11,5m 19% Total 100.0% July – December 2013January – June
Profile of respondents – by firm size Based on full and part time employment 3
Economic Impact Stable contribution of CESA Membership earnings as percentage of GDP Source: RBQN, CESA BECS, Industry Insight 4
Fee earnings vs Gross Fixed Capital Formation (Res, NonRes, Construction works) | Rbn, Constant 2005 prices Source: RBQN, CESA BECS, Industry Insight 5
Consulting Engineering Earnings Percentage of GDP / GFCF construction 6
Fee income, R billions Real 2000 prices Annualised | Deflator = CPI Source: CESA BECS 7
Real Fee income, Real prices Annual Change | Deflator = CPI Source: CESA BECS 8
CESA Confidence Index Source: CESA BECS 9
Business confidence vs CESA confidence Source: CESA BECS, BER 10
Real Fee income vs Industry confidence Income deflated using CPI Source: CESA BECS 11
Real Fee income vs Industry confidence Income deflated using CPI Source: CESA BECS 12
CESA Labour Cost Indicator vs CPI Year on Year percentage change Source: CESA BECS 13
Employment vs REAL fee income (Rbn) (Deflated using the CPI & LCI) Source: CESA BECS CPI: Consumer price index LCI : Labour Cost Indicator 14
Salary and wage bill slow amidst stable employment Source: CESA BECS 15
Salary and wage bill | Percentage of gross fee earnings Source: CESA BECS 16
Average Discounting rate Source: CESA BECS 17
Fee income earned by Sub-disciplines: % Share Source: CESA BECS 18
Fee income earned by Sub-disciplines: % Share Change in market share in the last 6 months Source: CESA BECS 19
Fee income earned by TOP THREE disciplines: R bn Real 2000 prices Moving average (2 survey period): 2002 – June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 20
Fee income earned by economic sector Percentage market share June 2013 – June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 21
Profile of earnings by sector R22bn annualised current prices 22
Fee earnings by selected sector R billions, Real 2000 prices | Smoothed |2 survey average Source: CESA BECS 23
Fee income (Rm, Real prices) earned by key economic sectors June 2005 – June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 24
Provincial Market Share: June 2014 Vs change in market share from June 2013 GAIN market share GAIN market share Source: CESA BECS 25
Fee income earned by province (Rbn, real prices) High Capacity economies |TREND Annualised smoothed, average over 2 past surveys Source: CESA BECS 26
Fee income earned by province June 1999– June 2014| Rm real prices Source: CESA BECS 27
Fee income earned by province June 1999– June 2014| Rm real prices Source: CESA BECS 28
Provincial profile by economic sector where fee earnings >50% of total earnings Source: CESA BECS 29
Fee income earned (Real 2000 prices) High Capacity vs lower capacity provincial economies |Smoothed 82% of fees were earned in high capacity provinces Source: CESA BECS 30
Contribution of high capacity provinces to total fee earnings Source: CESA BECS 31
Fee income earned : RSA vs EX-RSA R mill, Real 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed 85% of fees were earned in South Africa Source: CESA BECS 32
Fee income earned by type of client Percentage share as at June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 33
Fee income earned by type of client Percentage share Source: CESA BECS 34
Fee income earned by type of client R billion Real 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed - avg over 2 survey periods Source: CESA BECS 35
Fee income earned by type of client R billions Real 2000 prices | Annualised, smoothed - average over 2 survey periods Source: CESA BECS 36
Competition in tendering Percentage of respondents that reported “Keen to Fierce” vs Fierce competition Source: CESA BECS 37
% of Firms wanting to increase staff Source: CESA BECS 38
Engineering Skills Shortfall Source: CESA BECS 39
Recruitment problems Source: CESA BECS 40
% of firms that reported experiencing problems recruiting the right people Source: CESA BECS 41
Bursaries Stabilized back to 0.4% in June 2014 Survey Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 42
Bursaries R mill Real 2000 prices (Annualised) Source: CESA BECS 43
Training (Salaries and Direct Training Costs) Percentage of Payroll Data not available Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 44
Training (Salaries and Direct Training Costs) Rbn, Real 2000 prices Data not available Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 45
Training (Direct costs) Direct training costs as a percentage of payroll increased to 0.8 percent Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 46
Training (Direct costs) Rand millions, Real 2000 prices Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 47
Industry Capacity Utilisation Of existing technical staff Source: CESA BECS 48
Summary of selected indicators by firm size category 49 Firm Size Category Capacity Utilisation of existing technical staff during the past 6 months % of Respondents that expect capacity utilisation of technical staff to increase over the next 6 months Average discount being offered by respondents in tendering situation to clients, benchmarked against the ECSA guideline fee scales % of Respondents that reported FIERCE Competition for work during the last six months Large Medium Small Micro Industry Average (Weighted) (Weighted) Source: CESA BECS
Total fee income outstanding for longer than 90 days Percentage of total fee income earned Source: CESA BECS Trend line – 2 year average 50
Escalation trends: CPI Year-on-Year Percentage Change CPI Basket Revised in January 2013 Forecasts based on latest Treasury estimates (Budget 2014/15 Source: Treasury estimates Budget
Labour unit cost indicator Year-on-Year % Change (Smoothed) Source: CESA BECS 52
Labour unit cost indicator Annual Average Year-on-Year Percentage Change Source: CESA BECS 53
CESA labour costs outpace CPI 54
Profile by Race 55
Profile of Professional Engineers by Race 56
Typical Employment Breakdown January – June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 57
Overall Employment Breakdown, by race December 2007– June 2014 Source: CESA BECS %
59 Employment profile Black only (excluding Asian / Coloureds) representation of total employment % Share of total employment
Changing profile of female engineers 60
Executive Staff: % Share of total employment PTY, CC & Partnerships Source: CESA BECS 61
Executive Staff profile Source: CESA BECS 62
Black Executive Staff : (including Asian and Coloured) % Share of total Executive Staff Source: CESA BECS 63
African (Black) Executive Staff as % of total Executive | December 2008 – June 2014 Source: CESA BECS 64
Quality Management System Source: CESA BECS 65
ISO 9001:2008 Certificate Source: CESA BECS 66
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