R:Drive>Technology>Projector Training
Projectors All classrooms Grade K-12 have projectors Specialists have projectors Media Specialists have projectors on carts that can travel Projectors are hooked up to the desktop computers
Laptop vs. Desktop Some teachers/classrooms have a laptop instead of a desktop Each traveling projector has a laptop When toggling with the projector and computer look for RGB1 as the computer input Click FN and F7 or FN and F5 at the same time to get the computer image to show from the projector
Projector Controls Each of the projectors are networked so you can control them with your computer Don’t need to use this On & Off Project image on the computer VCR/DVD Keeps the projector on but shows only a Black screen Sound: Click up and down to control volume Freeze: Allows you to freeze an image on the screen and do something different on your computer
Volume Controls If you still can’t get volume loud enough with just the projector control Start>Accessories>Entertainment>Vo lume Controls Make sure these controls are all turned up
Projector Toolbar If you lose your Projector Toolbar Start>All Programs>Projector Control>PJCtrl Look for this symbol
DVD or Video You should be able to play a DVD through your Computer and Power DVD should pop up If you have a Video you need a VHS attached to the projector and you will need to click VIDEO to view the movie
Windows Media Player When watching a video with Windows Media Player look for the “Full Screen” view option
Copyright You can not rent videos or DVDs to show in your classroom! Videos as rewards for classrooms are not allowed Videos must be educational and approved by the District Curriculum Committee United Streaming/PowerMediaPlus would be a safe place to go and download videos for educational purposes Check Edina’s Professional Library for videos and VBRICK Know Edina Public School’s Copyright Policy Refer to: for a complete guide to copyright
InterWrite Pad Many teachers are now using an InterWrite pad with their projectors It is a wireless presentation device with interactive software If you inherit one you will need to schedule some intro training
Substitute Teachers Some substitute teachers have been Technology Trained Watch for a list in September Save all curriculum materials and/or videos to the D:Drive if you would like a substitute to use them Subs have access to your D:Drive and nothing else
Curriculum Materials Elementary EM math CD –O:Drive>EM Teacher Guide>Download your grade level FOSS Materials –O:Drive>FOSS Science>Grade Level
Projector Issues Filter: When the projectors filter needs to be changed there will be a grey warning box that shows up…alert the Computer Para and he/she will clean your filter Bulb: if the bulb runs out alert the computer para for a replacement Make sure to turn your projector off when not in use…bulbs are over $500 to replace!
Ideas for Integrating the Projector Videos… UnitedStreaming PowerMedia Plus YouTube- don’t search with students…find your video and link to the exact video to watch Online subscriptions: See your Media Center Specialists
Ideas for Integrating the Projector Geography- Earth, Maps, interactive websites Current Events- CNN for Kids, RSS feeds, Time for Kids, Scholastic News, etc. Use for student presentations (remember to not have students login to teacher computers) Curriculum materials on CD Websites that support curriculum
Ideas for Integrating the Projector V-Brick: Edina’s Video Distribution System Favorites>District Tools>Media Distribution There are curriculum videos, streaming TV channels and TV recordings
Ideas for Integrating the Projector Share a Morning Message Post the Schedule of the Day Share Websites and Images Teach Technology Skills prior to going into the lab Graph with Excel
Ideas for Integrating the Projector Make a PowerPoint with your lesson BrainPop.com: videos for Elementary Students Model writing prompts or assignments Brainstorming with Kidspiration or Inspiration
Ideas for Integrating the Projector Model internet search strategies Web 2.0 tools Share digital photos: Have you used flickr?