An introduction… DIOCESAN MEETINGS MARCH 2014 The Common Fund.


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Presentation transcript: An introduction… DIOCESAN MEETINGS MARCH 2014 The Common Fund 7.30Welcome 7.35Worship 7.40Common Fund DVD 7.50Bishop’s presentation 8.10Buzz Groups 8.20Coffee Break, Conversations 8.40Archdeacon speaks – Common Fund: how it will work 8.55Questions and comments from the floor 9.10Reflection 9.13Closing Prayer 9.15 Finish and leave Programme Hymn - Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven; To His feet thy tribute bring. Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Evermore His praises sing: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia! Praise the everlasting King. Worship Hymn - Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress; Praise Him still the same as ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless. Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia! Glorious in His faithfulness. Worship Hymn - Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Fatherlike He tends and spares us, Well our feeble frame He knows; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes. Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia! Widely yet His mercy flows. Worship Hymn - Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Frail as summer’s flow’r we flourish, Blows the wind and it is gone; But while mortals rise and perish Our God lives unchanging on. Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia! Praise the high Eternal One! Worship Hymn - Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Angels, help us to adore Him, Ye behold Him face to face; Sun and moon, bow down before Him; Dwellers all in time and space, Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia! Praise with us the God of grace. Let us pray… Worship Gracious and generous God, we thank you for this Diocese of Sheffield. In our centenary year, help us to grow Christ-like, lively and diverse Christian communities in every place; give us grace to sing for joy to the Lord and to listen to your voice today; draw us together in fellowship with your Son Jesus Christ and send us out to join in your mission of love for the world in the power of the Holy Spirit and through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Centenary Collect Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. The Lord’s Prayer Common Fund The video that appeared on this page is titled “Common Fund – How it Will Work” and is available to view at A talk from the Bishop The Diocese of Sheffield is called to grow a sustainable network of Christ-like, lively and diverse Christian communities in every place which are effective in making disciples and in seeking to transform our society and God’s world Vision Statement

Giving is part of discipleship The principles of mutual support The mission field is vast Ministry requires investment Bishop’s Talk  Focus on giving annually  Adventurous giving Bishop’s Talk

Buzz Groups Refreshment break Common Fund How it will work? A presentation from the Archdeacon… Doesn’t seem fair: “It’s a lot to pay to belong to the Diocese” Feels like a tax: “Why should we pay all this to the Diocese when we don’t get anything back?” Hard times: “We can’t afford it – we’re getting older and fewer, prices are going up….” What’s the problem? Could it be improved? Problem Over 60% of Diocesan Income “Tax” Reluctant Givers Obscures real costs Complex Formula – only see the bottom line Renegotiations – original figure erodes Collection Rates – 87% in 2013 Unless we change the culture of how we share our resources across the Diocese, sustainability in our current form may be in doubt Basic premise PREVIOUS – “Parish Share” Parish Resources calculation based on a Diocesan Formula NEW – “Common Fund” Parish Offering based on belonging to a Diocesan Family A fresh approach… A = Cost of Ministry and Central Support B = National Church Grant (where applicable) C = Last Year’s Contribution (+inflation) D = Help needed from other Parishes A – B – C = D …Please tell us what you can offer using C as minimum and reduction of D as aim. “Guided” Offering, where… A = Cost of Ministry and Central Support B = National Church Grant (where applicable) C = Last Year’s Contribution (+inflation) D = Help given to other Parishes B + C – A = D …Thank you for what you give so that ministry, mission and growth elsewhere in our Diocese can flourish. Please tell us what you will give, with maintaining or growing D as your aim. For a Net-Contributing Parish “Your generosity is making a real difference in parishes that are less well off than you, or whose mission is at an earlier stage… Here are just a few examples of growth and transformation elsewhere that Common Fund is resourcing…” Where a parish gives away more than it receives… A: Real Costs B: National Support C: Contribution last year (+ inflation) D: Help received from, or given to, others in the Diocese The “ABCD” equation will inform: Realism – the real costs of ministry Clarity – what you give/receive Gratitude – how others are helping you Generosity – how you are helping others Vision – set an achievable growth-aim This will encourage: At a glance… MINISTRY AND SUPPORT COSTS OF BENEFICE MINISTRY AND SUPPORT COSTS OF BENEFICE LAST YEAR’S OFFERING What other Parishes in the Diocese are currently paying on your behalf In the case of net-receiving Parishes CENTRAL FUND SUPPORT Please let us know what you will offer next year, aiming to reduce this gap if possible... MINISTRY AND SUPPORT COSTS OF BENEFICE MINISTRY AND SUPPORT COSTS OF BENEFICE What others in the Diocese are receiving from you In the case of net-giving Parishes CENTRAL FUND SUPPORT LAST YEAR’S OFFERING Please let us know what you will offer next year, to increase or maintain this level of support to others (1)What are the “Ministry/Support Costs?” (2)What about Parochial Fees? (3)How will Central Grants be allocated? (4)Parish, Benefice, Church? (5)What about Mission Partnerships? Specific Questions Q1. Ministry & Support Costs (illustrative from 2013 figures) F/T Incumbent Stipend£23,270 National Insurance£ 1,805 Pension Contribution£ 8,314 Housing and Training£11,370 Sub-Total£44,759 Diocesan Support Services (further details about Support Services are available on request) £12,898 TOTAL COST£57,657 No substantive change “PCC Fee” – remains with PCC to use at its own discretion “Minister’s Fee” – formerly “assigned” to the Diocese, now collected as a “DBF Fee” Q2. Parochial Fees Using the National Benefice Data produced for each Parish by the Church of England Cut-off point of most deprived 50% of Parishes in the country Over 75% of our Parishes fall within this category and will receive help Indexed allocation according to Index of Multiple Deprivation Q3. National Grant Ministry and Support Costs relate to the Benefice; each Parish will receive the letter Individual situations each have individual arrangements and will need to work out their contribution – what does each already give, what does it receive, what will it offer? We can supply last year’s amounts, if asked This is not a FORMULA but a prayerful GIFT Q4. Church, Parish, Benefice? Too early for a single standard answer The primary unit will initially be the Benefice If a Mission Partnership asks to be considered as a whole, we can supply a combined set of figures Q5. Mission Partnerships March -Area Meetings with Bishops and Archdeacons March -Booklets and on-line resources available April -Request Letters sent to each Parish May/June -Parish deliberations July -Deadline for Parish Offering Aug/Sept Budget Process Jan New system is operational What next? COMMON FUND A New Name Parish Support Team Helping Parishes grow in health, mission and capacity A New Resource What it’s really about… Questions & comments A moment for thought The video that appeared on this page is titled “Common Fund – Sharing in Mission & Ministry Together” and is available to view at With thanks… Your time at this event has been very much appreciated. Thank you.