Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre Management of the Critically Obstructed Airway Session 3: Supraglottic Airway Rescue Practical Session
Plan 3 rounds x 15 minutes each Best attempt components ETT LMA Face mask Groups stay with same facilitator at same workstation and change activity
The Vortex model
Best attempt face-mask ventilation Optimal position (ear > sternum) Head tilt chin lift jaw thrust 2 handed BMV Second person ventilates High fresh gas flows (O 2 flush) Oro/Nasopharyngeal airway Cricoid off
Best attempt endotracheal intubation Best person in room Best position (tragus >sternum) Best blade (e.g., videolaryngoscope) External laryngeal Manipulation (ELM) Bougie or stylet (only1 blind attempt) Consider muscle relaxant (if experienced) Cricoid off
Best attempt LMA ventilation Different type (e.g. Proseal™) Different size Insert under direct vision) Insertion with jaw thrust Pull tongue forward Cricoid off Consider muscle relaxant (if experienced)