Current Picture of Rainier School District #13 Keplinger, Miller, Nelson
Elementary School Reading and Lit. OAKS Data
Elementary School Mathematics OAKS Data
Rainier Junior High School Reading and Lit. OAKS Data
Rainier Junior High School Mathematics OAKS Data
Rainier Senior High School Reading and Lit. OAKS Data
Rainier Senior High School Mathematics OAKS Data
STAR Early Literacy Achievement Data
STAR Reading Achievement Data
STAR Mathematics Achievement Data
Rainier School District Enrollment Projections
Dropout Rate Data
Graduation Rate Data
Continuing Education Data
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection District Priorities for Student Achievement Priorities Restructure schools in order to support improving teacher effectiveness Restructure early intervening services to foster student achievement Must Have Replace the roof above the commons and RJSHS
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Student Achievement Focus for Focus: Improve the academic performance of the junior high school in reading and math. Increase the percentage of junior high students (grades 7 and 8) At/Above benchmark on the statewide assessments to 68% in reading and 50% math.
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Long-Term District Transformation Plan Overall goal: Improve graduation and continuing education rates, while decreasing drop-out rates HPE goal: Increase the percentage of elementary students At/Above benchmark on the STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math assessments to 80%.
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Budget Allocations No proposed cuts 2% budget increase for next school year Maintain 5% in contingency
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Action Item 1- Improve Teacher Effectiveness Provide continuous professional development Build leadership and coaching role capacity in order to positively impact student achievement (I.e. peer coaching, walkthroughs, etc.) Provide teacher collaboration time Move/place teachers based on skill rather seniority Redo schedule to increase core instructional time
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Action Item 2- Early Intervening Services Require Study Skills course for all seventh graders (Focus: organization, time-management, and study skills) Provide academic intervention classes at all grade levels for elementary and for all core subjects at the secondary level Partner with community groups to provide after school and summer school programs Implement full-day kindergarten at HPE
Enrollment Trends & Next Year Projection Action Item 3- Replace roof above commons and RJSHS Determine the condition of the roof through a roof inspection Collect bids to determine the cost of the project Schedule completion of the project
Community Input in Budget Process 1.Solicit community members to serve as budget committee members. Rainier School District is currently seeking to fill two budget committee member positions. 2.Invite community members to observe during budget committee meetings Meeting notices are published in local newspaper and on the school district website 3.Publicize public hearing for budget review
RAINIER SCHOOL DISTRICT2014 – 2015 BUDGET CALENDAR March 13, 2014Publish first notice of budget committee meeting March 20, 2014Publish second notice of budget committee meeting April 1, 2014Budget committee meeting- Proposed budget April 7, 2014Regular board meeting April 29, 2014Budget committee meeting May 12, 2014Regular board meeting May 20, 2014Budget committee meeting May 29, 2014Publication of Notice of Budget hearing June 9, 2014Public hearing on the budget/Regular board meeting