Welcome to HE 510 Seminar 1! We’ll be starting our conference shortly…
I. Greetings! A word or two about our course…
II. Basic elements of course success in HE 510: a. Regular and respectful participation on discussion boards b. substantive content c. staying current with your readings d. submitting homework on time whenever possible
II. Basic elements of course success in HE 510 (continued): e. writing effectively, including APA 6 th f. good communications!! g. time management!!!
III. Here’s a basic question: Why should we study educational history? What about the study of the past is helpful to us now, and into the future?
IV. How have colleges and universities changed since you first started attending them?
V. How can the study of the history of higher education make us better decision makers?
VI. Finally, what changes do you see in the future of higher education?
VII. Course Project: Any problems or questions?
VIII. General questions about the course/content so far?
IX. Any other questions?
Thanks for attending the Kaplan University HE 510 Seminar 1! See you online!