Persuasive Speech Definition – A persuasive speech is written to persuade, or convince the listeners, of the validity of the speaker's argument. This might involve persuading someone to change their opinion or at the very least take into account some elements that have not really been considered before.
Keys – Outline to Speech Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be Credibility - Establish your credibility by demonstrating expertise, evidence and knowledge of the subject - presenting facts, statistics or quotes together with any personal experiences to make the audience believe in what you are saying Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the main arguments for the subject Alternatives - Discuss the alternatives to strengthen your claim further Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement
Informative Speech Definition - An Informative speech is written to provide interesting and useful information to increase the knowledge of your audience. This might involve providing information about a person, and animal or an object. It might center around information regarding a process, a 'How to' speech e.g. How to Surf the Internet. An type of Informative speech is focused on describing an event like 'Visiting an exhibition on Tutankhamen'. Informative speeches about ideas or concepts like 'Aliens' or 'What happened to the Dinosaurs'.
Keys - Outline Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about and what your main points will be Knowledge - Establish credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the subject - conveying information, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to adequately inform the audience about the subject Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the key points Conclusion - Try to end with a memorable punch line or positive statement
Demonstration Speech A Demonstration speech is written to explain and show people how to do something. This might involve using various types of visual aids, or handout to ensure the effectiveness of the instructions.
Keys - Outline Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about, what your objective is and what the audience will be able to do following your demonstration speech Benefits - Why the audience will benefit from learning how to complete the task Task Breakdown - The task must be broken down in a logical format, step by step - do not leave out any crucial points Use Visual Aids or Props to help you to explain the process Key Points - Key points must be repeated, including any safety issues, to ensure maximum knowledge retention Handout - Prepare an informative handout to give out to your audience Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement
Tribute Speech A Tribute speech is written to provide interesting and useful information an expression of esteem, to show thanks or respect to a person or a group of peopleand increase the knowledge of your audience on the subject. The subject may be historical or modern, famous or unknown, dead or alive. The phrase "to pay tribute" often means "to praise or laud" and this type of speech should be written to create and encourage a deep sense of admiration and respect for the subject.
Keys - Outline Your Opener - the opening, ice-breaker or attention grabber Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about, what your objective is and what the audience will be able to do following your demonstration speech Benefits - Why the audience will benefit from learning how to complete the task Task Breakdown - The task must be broken down in a logical format, step by step - do not leave out any crucial points Use Visual Aids or Props to help you to explain the process Key Points - Key points must be repeated, including any safety issues, to ensure maximum knowledge retention Handout - Prepare an informative handout to give out to your audience Conclusion - Try to 'Go out with a Bang' or end with a memorable punch line or positive statement
Inspirational Speech An Inspirational speech is written to persuade, or convince the listeners, that they can succeed. This might involve relating optimistic and uplifting stories, or anecdotes, based on faith or real life situations taken from the lives or ordinary or famous people from history, sports, politics and the Business world. The objective of an inspirational speech is to provide the listener with the desire and confidence to pursue difficult goals to maximise their own potential.