ABCDEF DRAMA CLUBCAMP SKITHOSPITAL CRISIS GROUP PROJECT SURPRISE PARTY WORKPLACE PARTY How much time pressure? What is the skill level of the members Are the members willing? Do the member need direction? Best leadership style? Actions the leader should take?
ABCDEF DRAMA CLUBCAMP SKITHOSPITAL CRISIS GROUP PROJECT SURPRISE PARTY WORKPLACE PARTY How much time pressure? LowHighVery HighHigh Low What is the skill level of the members VariesWeakExcellentUnknownUnkownGood Are the members willing? YesMixedYesNoYes Do the member need direction? Yes (varies)Yes (need a lot) No (after triage takes place) Yes No Best leadership style? DemoAutoAuto then laissez-faire AutoDemoLaissez-faire Actions the leader should take?
ABCDEF DRAMA CLUBCAMP SKITHOSPITAL CRISIS GROUP PROJECT SURPRISE PARTY WORKPLACE PARTY Actions the leader should take? -Icebreaker -form groups that mix old pros with rookies -Encourage positives, sharing -Work for consensus -Explain the task -Decide on the topic of the skit -Assign roles -Run the rehearsal -Motivate and encourage -Perform triage -Leave staff to do their jobs -Lay down the law -Delegate tasks -Set deadlines -Encourage (consider bribes) -Ask for help and put these volunteers in charge of areas -Ask for ideas and make quick decisions -Don’t take a job -Be a supervisor -Ask if anyone wants to do anything differently (send a memo) -Ask for volunteers -Let people do what they are use to -Keep everyone informed