CONFERENCE & INCENTIVES DENISE SIVITER ACTIVITY THAT HAS ACHIEVED SOME GREAT OUTCOMES FOR THE DESTINATION…. o Meetings 2011 o Australian Society of Travel Writers Conference 2011 o CAP Bid Won – Asia Pacific Occupational Therapists Congress 2015 o CAS Results
SUCCESSFUL HOSTING OF MEETINGS TRADESHOW Hosted Buyers attended MEETINGS 2011 from Australia and New Zealand 9 Hosted Buyers attended MEETINGS 2011 from China 152 Companies exhibited at MEETINGS 2011 Great Rotorua Industry Support and engagement Excellent results achieved in terms of Buyers Assessment of Exhibitors as well as overall organisation of Meetings 2011 and host region Rotorua.
SECURING OF AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL WRITERS CONFERENCE - OCTOBER 2011 Over 70 Travel Writers and PR companies from Australia converging on destination Rotorua Six different and simultaneous famil programs around the city Guests beaming from ear to ear Ongoing PR an excess of twenty articles, blogs in print and online about Rotorua Excellent feedback from ASTW across the board and most importantly about the destination
CAP SCHEME WIN A FIRST FOR THE DESTINATION Confirmation of the Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress September – 500 Pax from across the Asia – Pacific Rim over 5 days Rotorua successfully bid against Phillipines and Malaysia First time the congress has taken the conference outside the S.E.A.
RotoruaNZ Conferences +10.4% -20.8% Delegates +41.8% -19.4% Delegate Days Domestic Australia Other Intl +54.7% +45.5% % +70.6% -16.4% -13.2% -35.5% -25.2% PERFORMANCE YEAR END 2011 RESULTS NZ MULTI-DAY CONFERENCE MARKET SHARE (Source Covec – Convention Activity Survey) Increased market share, delegate numbers and spend
ROTORUA CONVENTION BUREAU AREAS WE ACCEPT WE NEED TO IMPROVE AND DO BETTER…. o Working smarter with the Convention Bureau Committee in a way that encourages meaningful input and engagement o Better definition and communication between the roles of Rotorua Convention Bureau and Events & Venues
UPCOMING ACTIVITY ON THE ROAD AHEAD… o Review of the functional relationship between RCB and Events & Venues o Improved segment activity in: Australia (Corp/Assoc/PCO/Incentive) as well as collaborative opportunities through Business Events (TNZ) and others in China (Corp/PCO/Incentive) and USA (Incentive). CONFERENCE & INCENTIVES