Exam Feedback1 Prelim Exam- February 2011 Feedback & Target Setting Higher Grade Physical Education
26/02/2016Exam Feedback2 Your Final Grade Recognising your Strengths and weaknesses Prelim Performance Hard Work and Application
Question 3 a)Describe in detail the range of fitness requirements for effective performance. b)From the fitness requirements described in Part (a), select one aspect of fitness. Explain how you gathered information about it within the activity. c)What do you understand about the principles of training? Give examples of how these were used within your training programme. d)Describe one training session that you undertook to develop your personal level of performance. Question 4 a)Select an aspect of fitness. Describe how you assessed this aspect of fitness both within and outwith your chosen activity. b)Discuss why it is appropriate to train using each of the following approaches: Within the activity (conditioning) Outwith the activity Through a combination of both c)Describe one method of training you used to develop your fitness. Explain why this method was appropriate. d)Discuss the importance of setting goals to improve your level of fitness. Give examples of the goals you set.
PartABCDTotal Grade(6)(4)(6)(4)(20) Scott Brown Didn’t answer 11 Ewan Fraser Gordon Hall Connor McFadden Stephen Miller Jason Robertson Gary Rodger Ryan Sinclair Robbie Stirling Jamie Smith Didn’t answer 7 Average
Strengths- A) Describing fitness requirements B) Describing how assessed a specific aspect within the activity Areas for Development- C) Describing how you applied the principle of training D) Describing one training session
PartABCDTotal Grade(6)(4) (20) Ross Burnett Aidan Moore Brett Molloy Sam Williamson Average
Strengths- A) Describing how assessed an aspect of fitness C)Describing a method of training used to develop fitness Areas for Development- B) Discuss why it’s appropriate to train using each of the following approaches, within & outwith the activity and through combination of both. D)Importance of goal setting
Q3 Strengths- A) Describing fitness requirements B) Describing how assessed a specific aspect within the activity Areas for Development- C) Describing how you applied the principle of training D) Describing one training session Q4 Strengths- A) Describing how assessed an aspect of fitness C)Describing a method of training used to develop fitness Areas for Development- B) Discuss why it’s appropriate to train using each of the following approaches, within & outwith the activity and through combination of both. D)Importance of goal setting
Complete the appropriate sections of pages 1, 2 and 4 of your prelim analysis and target setting booklet
Create a plan/ structure for each question After each question complete pared marking / assistance
Question 3A A)Describe in detail the range of fitness requirements for effective performance. (6) 3 Types of Fitness required for any footballer Briefly outline your position – role and responsibility Describe each type and aspects within each type Give specific performance examples of why each aspect is important Look at the example you were issued before the exam
(B)From the fitness requirements described in Part (a), select one aspect of fitness. Explain how you gathered information about it within the activity.(4) I gathered information from within and out-with the activity... The most important aspect of fitness for my position is... It is important to gather information from within the activity because... I did this by completing the time related observation schedule This was my general data collection Describe this...why was it appropriate... What did you discover...
(C)What do you understand about the principles of training? Give examples of how these were used within your training programme.(6) Throughout this answer it is vital to give examples to relate it to your programme and what you did, and not to just define what the principles of training are. When designing a training programme there were many important principles that ensure I get the best results from my training programme – Specificity, Frequency, Intensity, Duration, Overload Specificity- I used this principal by making sure my training programme was designed specifically for my role/position, designed to improve the specific aspect and to my current level of ability.... Frequency- I worked 3 times per week at the start of my programme... Duration-I also made sure my training programme would last the appropriate duration for improvement to occur. I planned my training over a 6 week period which I broke down... Duration-I also had to ensure I worked for an appropriate time within each session.... Intensity- is an important principle to consider I had to ensure I worked hard enough... To Set my intensity levels I... To monitor my intensity I... Progressive overload- Ensured I adapted my training programme as my body adapted to the strain of the work I was doing. After two weeks I... After four weeks I again made slight changes...
(D)Describe one training session that you undertook to develop your personal level of performance. (4) Describe your phase of training i.e. preparation phase... What is the purpose of this? I trained using a combination of outwith and within the activity When working outwith the activity I focused on a method called…… My training session lasted for a duration of my session included a warm-up, training outwith the activity, working within the activity and a cool down. My warm up included a pulse raising activity and static and dynamic stretching Briefly describe warm up... To develop my..... I worked outwith the activity using.... Describe one fartlek/interval session... Frequency, Duration and Intensity included Reference how the programme was specific to your fitness requirements... How you monitored you were working at correct intensity... Following my training session I worked within the activity. This ensured I remained motivated because.... Enabled me to develop my tactical awareness and performance within the activity. At the end of my session I took part in a cool down to.....
Question 4A A) Select an aspect of fitness. Describe how you assessed this aspect of fitness both within and outwith your chosen activity. (6) Define your role within the activity... Name the relevant types and aspects of fitness related to performing this role effectively...The method of fitness assessments was standardised tests for outwith the activity and a TROS for within the activity. Time related observation schedule (not a Standard test) Speed Endurance- 25 and 50m sprints (Speed test), KHS derived speed endurance test (speed endurance test) Cardio Respiratory Endurance- 12 minute cooper run (standard test for CRE), Multi stage fitness test (standard test for CRE) Benefits of standardised testing…Validity and reliability of data.. More reliable assessments at the end of the programme Initial level of fitness allows you to accurately set targets for improvement Testing outwith the activity allows you to accurately set the levels of intensity in your training programme, making it specific to your experience and current level of fitness Discuss the benefits of testing within the TROS... specific to- your activity and role Weaknesses of this method-game knowledge means that you may/may not make runs due to experience /lack of knowledge about your position Testing out with activity (standard tests), removes all game based knowledge and simply determines fitness levels
(B)From the fitness requirements described in Part (a), select one aspect of fitness. Explain how you gathered information about it within the activity.(4) I gathered information from within and out-with the activity... The most important aspect of fitness for my position is... It is important to gather information from within the activity because... I did this by completing the time related observation schedule This was my general data collection Describe this...why was it appropriate... What did you discover...
(C) Describe one method of training you used to develop your fitness. Explain why this method was appropriate.(4) Describe your phrase of training i.e. preparation phrase. What is the purpose of this? I focused on a method called…… The benefits of fartlek / interval training are… (Fartlek only) Number of walks, jogs and sprints can be easily adapted to suit position and current level of fitness. Works for both aerobic and anaerobic fitness Easy to overload... Easy to monitor progress... Describe your six week programme... Frequency, Duration, Intensity and Progressive Overload included Reference how the programme was specific to your fitness requirements – e.g. why have the number of walks, jogs and sprints you have chosen How you monitored you were working at correct intensity Specific to your current level of ability Work towards your targets Justify your method of training with examples is the key to a good answer
(D)Discuss the importance of setting goals to improve your level of fitness. Give examples of the goals you set.(4) Relate to the training programme Specific Goals both short and long term targets/goals. Which relate to your current level of ability/performance. Describe goals you set... This lead to motivation, looking forward, i.e. working towards a target Goals are realistic and attainable... Maintains motivation... Level of arousal... Improves training Use short term targets/goals to achieve the long term targets/goals Give a practical example One short term goal I set myself was… This was a difficult target but both coach/teacher and myself thought it was realistically achievable To achieve this goal I planned a T.P. Other relevant points Phases of Training Training Cycles Microcycle Mesocycle Macrocycle
In your target setting booklet you should be able to identify which areas of POB are your strengths and which are your weaknesses. Pleases re-answer those questions which were weaknesses by structuring your answer and improving your prelim response. This is due for… Thursday 17 th Feb Your parents should complete the section at the back when you have completed it. Will not write your report card until I have received this.