PRDLA 2009 Brian Flaherty Assistant University Librarian – IT The University of Auckland Library.


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Presentation transcript:

PRDLA 2009 Brian Flaherty Assistant University Librarian – IT The University of Auckland Library

Baskets of Knowledge Digital Collaboration in New Zealand

Early on…National Union Catalogue

National Digital Forum 2002-

Register of Digitisation Initiatives

“Your window onto the places, events & people of NZ”

Aa gateway to NZ research…

NZ Digital Strategy

this is better, but…


community kete

museums …

archives …

Shared data

HPC collaboration

roadblocks /

lack of common agenda for collaboration institutional / sectoral priorities - is it in our nature or are we funded to collaborate “build it and they will come” “standards are barriers to participation” why bother ? – Google is our collaborator variable skill sets – large institutions do better hybrid costs

Some lessons

Digitisation is good Digital Collections are better

Metadata Let it free and it will come back to you

Digitisation is good Persistence is essential

Give people the tools to use and to reuse

“Cultural heritage results from EXCHANGE OF IDEAS about objects it is not located IN them” tell-us-about-the-future-of-digital-libraries

Kia ora Thank you