ITHACA: First Findings from CTD Profiling Ivica Vilibić, Branka Grbec Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia and ITHACA CTD Task Force Team The SettingThe Setting Ambient CharacteristicsAmbient Characteristics Internal WavesInternal Waves
The setting DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, CruiseDate ITHACA0114 February 2006 ITHACA0226 June 2006 DART0320/21 September 2006 ITHACA0428 September 2006 ITHACA0529/30 September 2006 T, S, DO,...
Ambient Characteristics DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, ITHACA01, 14 February 2006
Ambient Characteristics DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, ITHACA02, 26 June 2006
Ambient Characteristics DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, DART03, 20/21 September 2006
Ambient Characteristics DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, ITHACA04, 28 September 2006
Ambient Characteristics DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, TS diagram
Internal Waves DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, ITHACA02, 26 June 2006
Internal Waves DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, DART03, 20/21 June 2006
Internal Waves DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, ITHACA04 ITHACA05
Internal Waves DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, Simple estimates Theoretical wavelength ( it,t ) and velocity (V it,t ) of internal waves, computed through two-layer model and assuming that they are diurnal internal tides (period of 24 h). The depths h and H and densities ρ h and ρ H are estimated from CTD sections. CruisehHρhρh ρHρH V it,t it,t 26 Jun m/s43.7 km 20 Sep m/s54.8 km 28 Sep m/s62.3 km 29 Sep m/s62.3 km Empirical wavelength ( it,e ) and velocity (V it,e ) of internal waves, computed from CTD sections assuming that they are diurnal internal tides (period of 24 h). CTD is the non- transformed wavelength estimated from the transects, Δt is time needed for the sampling of one internal wave, while A is tentatively estimated wave amplitude. Cruise CTD ΔtA (tent.) Tides V it,e it,e 26 Jun km5 h2-4 m neap 0.50 m/s42.3 km 20 Sep km6 h7-8 m neap 0.72 m/s62.5 km 28 Sep km-4 h4/12 m spring 0.27 m/s23.3 km 29 Sep km-5 h8-10 m spring 0.34 m/s29.3 km
Internal Waves DART-ITHACA Coordination Meeting Zagreb, Croatia, But what about internal seiches (21.2 h), internal inertial oscillations (17.6 h),... The true nature of observed internal oscillations will be seen on other data: ADCP, thermistor chain, bottom pressure gauge.