Enhancing Climate Resilience for Coastal Communities Through Education and Mangroves Planting Presented by : Ebrima Dem, National Coordinator Global Unification The Gambia
Table of Content Project Context & Rationale Project objective Inspired EC Principle II Our plan Activities Expected outcome Budge t
Project Origin, Context & Rationale The introduction of non-organic pollutants such as plastic bags has devastating effects on the life of local communities. Its destroy biodiversity such as oyster or fish and also posed a health threat on the people. The indiscriminate cutting of mangroves aggravate the already precarious situation of coastal communities cause by sea level rise leading to flood, salt intrusion, salinization of shallow coastal aquifers etc. The lost the beautiful sand beaches, bird’s habitat threaten the vibrant tourism industry of the Gambia Barra, one of Gambia’s beach at risk of coast erosion and plastic litters
To reduce the impact of climate change on coastal communities due to sea level rise by empowering communities to develop their own approaches to adaptation that go along side improving their livelihood. Target group: Goal
To Restore damaged mangrove plantation in coastal communities To reduce coastal vulnerability to climate change as result of sea level rise. To improve the communities income level through sustainable use of mangrove product such as timber and oyster. To enhance community resilience to climate change impact To promote community/youth engagement in climate change solution in the Gambia To build the capacity of community members to manage local ecosystems to reduce climate change risks To provoke active advocacy and public education programs aiming at transforming local community, especially the youth, into conservation advocates and environmental stewards. Project Objectives
We are inspired EC principle II which says: Protect and restore the integrity of Earth's ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth's regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being. Inspired by Earth Charter
Project plan Activities Plant Mangroves around the coastline specially those at serious risk Clean the beach and other areas around the coast Sensetise the local communities about effect of trowing plastic litters around the coast, sand mining and deforestation Training traditional communacators on climate change issues. Who will inturn pass the knowledge the communities. Established mangrove nursery sites at the village to serve as education sites.
Expected outcome At least 5 villages visited and up to 1000 people sensitised. Improved public awareness on climate change, its affects and strategies for adaptations. community participation on conservation, rehabilitation and restoration of mangroves ecosystems enhanced Reduction of vulnerability of coastal communities to erosion and floods as mangroves will act as barriers preventing upsurge of water waves. Improved and maintain a healthy biodiversity in the area Increase in marine wildlife; birds and mammals which use these areas as their habitats, thus attracting eco tourist.
Budget The estimated budget to successfully carry out this project is: US$ 10, This money will be use for: Field visits to project sites Publicity Logistic Stationary material & Monitoring and evaluation
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