For pregnancy to occur these conditions must be met Semen from the male must enter the vagina of the female (sperm may reach the vagina even if the penis does not enter it) Semen must contain healthy sperm. Sperm must find conditions in the vagina in which they can live. Sperm must find their way into the fallopian tubes and must find the egg there ready for fertilization-sperm can live there for 72 hours
Continued 5. The egg, once fertilized, must be able to implant itself in the uterus wall and grow.
Fertilization Sperm enters a mature egg after ovulation The protein coating around egg prevents other sperm from entering. At the moment of fertilization, your baby's genetic make-up is complete, including its sex. The mother can provide only X chromosomes (she's XX), if a Y sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a boy (XY); if an X sperm fertilizes the egg, your baby will be a girl (XX).
Human fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm
Signs you might be pregnant 10. Tender, swollen breasts 9. Fatigue 8. Implantation bleeding 7. Nausea or vomiting 6. Increased sensitivity to odors 5. Abdominal bloating 4. Frequent urination 3. A missed period 2. Your basal body temperature stays high 1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test
Epidural Numbness from lower abdomen to toes Leaves mother awake and aware of surroundings
Side Effects-Mother Dural puncture low blood pressure Nausea, vomiting, shivering Prolonged labor Uneven, incomplete or nonexistent pain relief Feelings of emotional detachment
Continued Convulsions Toxic drug reactions Slight to severe headache Allergic shock Cardiac arrest Maternal death
Side Effects-Baby Direct drug toxicity Fetal distress, abnormal FHR (can lead to emergency cesarean) Drowsiness at birth, poor sucking reflex Poor muscle strength and tone in the first hours Neonatal jaundice Decreased maternal-infant bonding, behavioral problems Hyperactivity up to seven years (suspected)
Pregnancy Pregnancy term 40 weeks Three Trimesters First trimester is very critical-miscarriage
Cesarean When your baby is born through a Cesarean Section, the baby is delivered through an incision in your abdominal wall and uterus.
You may need a cesarean section Baby is too big to fit through the birth canal. Fetal distress may lead you to having a cesarean section. Umbilical cord becomes distressed If your baby is in a breech position
Pregnancy and Medication/Drugs
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