Perseus, The Gorgons, The Graie, Hermes and The Fates Sydnie Schmidt Rebecca Estrada Shelby Salge
Lineage Perseus is the son of Zeus and Princess Danae. Perseus was the only child birthed by Danae. Perseus and his wife, Andromeda, had 9 kids; 7 boys and 2 girls. The Gorgons are the daughters of Phorcys. Hermes is also the son of Zeus.
Symbol Perseus’ symbol is Medusa’s head. The Gorgon’s symbol is a statue. The eye represents the Graie. Wings symbolize Hermes. String and Scissors represent the Fates.
Strengths Because Perseus was a Demigod, he was super strong and quick. The Gorgons strengths were their eye, which could turn man to stone. The Fates could determine the future. Hermes is very cunning, athletic and bold. The Graie withhold very important information.
Weaknesses Perseus only had one major weakness, which was that he was mortal, therefore he can die. The Graie weakness was that between the 3 of them, they only had one eye. Medusa was the only mortal Gorgon.
Description Perseus was a strong, blond man. Hermes wore winged sandals and had a winged crown. He also carried a wand. The Gorgons are dragon like creatures with scaly skin. The Fates were old women dressed in mostly white. The Graie took the shape of swans, but with human heads and hands and arms under their wings.
Important Events King Acrisius of Argos goes to talk to the Fates who tell him that Danae’s son will kill him. King Acrisius locks Danae in a small house. Zeus impregnates Danae in the form of gold rain. King Acrisius put Danae and Perseus in a box and send them to sea. The landed on a small island and the cruel leader fell in love with Danae. Perseus announces he is going to kill a Gorgon at the wedding rehearsal. He has to visit the Graies to figure out how to find the Gorgons.
Important Events Perseus visits the land of Hyperborean and receives 3 gifts. With the help of Hermes and Athena, he finds and kills the Gorgon, Medusa. He saved Andromeda from a sea serpent and asked to marry her. Perseus returns to his home land and turns the King and his close friends to stone. He finds his mother and fulfills the prophecy.
Allusions Perseus and Percy Jackson are alike in personality. Also Percy got his name from Perseus. Hermes’ Roman name is Mercury like they car that is named after him for speed. The Fairies in Sleeping Beauty represent the Fates because they are a trio that guides people down certain paths.