Senator from Wisconsin Claimed the state department was full of communists The number of “communists” was always changing Could never provide a solid list Started a new era in American society Power followed his accusations Televised hearings against he US Army
The fear of communism spreading through America. Public becomes concerned McCarran Act FBI allowed to screen government employees 3,000 resigned or dismissed Smith Act Unlawful to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the US Government
Whittaker Chambers accuses Alger Hiss of espionage Eventually found guilty and spent 4 years in prison Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Accused of passing secrets to the soviet union about atomic science Found guilty and sentenced to death Sparked controversy
House Un-American Activities Committee Investigated possible activities by fascists, Nazis or communists Questioned: Government, armed forces, unions, education, science, newspapers The more known trials accused members of the movie industry and Hollywood
A group of left-wing writers, directors and producers Claiming to use their 5 th amendment right Cited for contempt of congress – sent to prison Blacklist appears Watkins v. United States (1957) Impact on movie industry Freedom of speech – civil liberties are affected
Propaganda and culture reflected the fear of communism
Overgeneralizations Emotion over reason Scare Tactics Bandwagon Appeal Name Calling Exaggeration Loaded Words Fallacies Slogans/Catchphrase