AAE Senior Design Alec Spencer Pressurized Rover Preliminary Design Review 13 Feb 01
Science zLong Range Exploration Strategy zLong Range Pressurized Rover yCapabilities yRedundancy zGreenhouse Concepts
Long Range Exploration zInitially focus on scouting (6 months) yScout geology yChart water table zFocus on key sites (6 months) yScientist discretion
Rover Capabilities zDesign Specifications yRange: km yCrew: 2 (4 in emergency) yDuration: 10 days (30 in emergency)
Rover Capabilities zClearance: 0.85 m zMaximum speed: 40 kph zMaximum slope: 60 o * zMaximum side-hill angle: 45 o zTurning radius: 10 m
Features zControl yJoystick yModular Electronic design yRemote control capabilities zScience yMeteorology (autonomous) ySonar or radar mapping (autonomous) yDrilling or core samples
Features zExternal roll cage z4 x 6 drive z3 computer stations zShower and chemical toilet
System Redundancy zPropulsion yMain methanol engine xMethanol and O 2 diesel cycle xCO 2 buffer xMain source of heating yElectric xEmergency power to return to HAB xActs as generator when not in use
System Redundancy zPower systems yGenerator powered by engine yElectric engine as generator y(Fuel Cell) yBatteries
System Redundancy zAirlock yEmergency shelter in case of hull breach yDoubles as toilet and shower ySuit design
Greenhouse zWeight yLightweight if inflatable zShielding yUV levels too high for plant life yShielding for a large structure would be prohibitive