The GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholders: Implementing the Science and Technology Road Map through an open, global networking approach Goals: - Engage GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network in the implementation of the STC Road Map - Linking EGIDA and relevant GEO Work Plan Tasks STC to a broader group of GEOSS Stakeholders - Providing feedback on EGIDA work, progress and results Networking: - Develop a core group (the EGIDA Stakeholder Network) - Reach out to a broader, open, global network
What to do first? "Prioritizing" (top-down) or "Action by Opportunity" (bottom up)? Work towards specific contributions: - 1a (work plan review): participate, provide feedback - 1c (continuity of long-term monitoring): facilitate coordination, planning - 1d (state-of-the-art technology for GCI): technical review, provider feedback - 1e (responding to S&T needs and priorities): networking, information about needs, facilitating co-operations - 2a (citation standard): implement V1.0, participate in phase 2 - 2b (GEO Label): contribute, feedback on proposals - 2c (building awareness): many contributions are possible - 2d (GEOSS Portfolio): proposals for Compelling Examples, extension to all GEOSS areas - 2e (registration of scientific data): identify data sets, facilitate registration, develop incentives
Actions: - Extend membership of core group (EGIDA Stakeholder Network) - Organize telecons - Develop plans for Second Workshop (2012) - Initiate specific contributions Second Workshop: - tentatively March venue in the vicinity of San Francisco, USA - Focus on STC Road Map implementation - S&T challenges in the Work Plan Science and technology support for GEOSS - GEOSS at work for science communities - Making GEOSS better for science