Effects of Formosan Macaques (Macaca cyclopis) on Seed Dispersal and Regeneration of Three Lauraceae Species at Fushan Experimental Forest Seed dispersal pattern: Distance of seed dispersed by macaques through check pouch correlated with the spatial distribution of fruiting trees. Seeds of parent trees with widely distribution pattern may be dispersed farther away from parent trees. Effects on seed fate: More seeds germinated in forest than in open area, and seedlings survived better in open area. Macaques may help disperse Lauraceae seeds to and establish at new place where gravity dispersal could not do. Huang, Ching-lun & Lee, Ling-Ling Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106, Taiwan (A) (B) (C) Introduction Distances Habitats Densities Distance Seed density 2.How recruitment effected by: 1.What’s the seed dispersal pattern ? Methods Follow and record macaques’ feeding (on Lauraceae tree), moving, and seed dispersal pattern. Results I. Seed dispersal pattern: Figure 1. The ratio of seeds spat by Formosan Macaques in every 10 meters after leaving parent trees. (A) Litsea acuminata (Litsea a.) (B) Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis (Machilus m.) (C) Machilus zuihoensis (Machilus z.) II. Fates of dispersed seeds: ? - Seed germination rate & seedling survival rate (A)(B)(C)(D) (A)(B)(C)(D) Macaca cyclopis dispersed more seeds away from than under parent trees of 3 Lauraceae species at Fushan Experimental Forest. Across 2 bars means significant different between ratios (paired t- test) More seeds of Machilus z. were dispersed to open area than in forest by Macaca cyclopis of 3 Lauraceae species at Fushan Experimental Forest. Across 2 bars means significant different between ratios (paired t- test) More seeds were dispersed in clump than scattered by Macaca cyclopis of 3 Lauraceae species at Fushan Experimental Forest. Across 2 bars means significant different between ratios (paired t- test) Litsea acuminata: Seeds germinated more in forest than in open area (ANOVA, p<0.001) at the 1st month. Distance to parent trees and seed density did not affect germination rate. Seedlings survived better in forest than in open area at 2nd month (p<0.001). Distance and seed density did not affect seedling rate. Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis: Seeds germinated more in forest than in open area (ANOVA, p<0.001), and more under than away form parent tree (p=0.007) at the 1st month. Seedlings survived better in forest than open area (p=0.001), and better under than away from parent tree (p=0.03) at the 2nd month. Seed density did not affect seed germination or seedling survival rate. Discussion - Ratios of seeds spat by macaques at different distance away from parent trees * * * * * * * Species Distances Litsea acuminata Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis Machilus zuihoensis Mean distance between parent trees (meter) 534.9±300.3 a ±220.9 b ±269.5 b Mean distance of macaques carrying seeds (meter) 157.4±98.2 a 64.4±73.4 bc 118.3±77.8 ac Table 1. Compare the distances between parent trees and the distances that macaques carrying seeds away from parent trees of three Lauraceae species. -The same alphabet letter after the number means there is no significant difference between two numbers (Kruskal-Wallis Test) Lauracea trees have fleshy fruits with large seeds, which are mainly dispersed by animals. Formosan macaques (Macaca cyclopis) are important seed dispersers at Fushan Experimental Forest. Macaques disperse large quantity intact Lauraceae seeds with cheek pouch. Seed dispersal of those species might be affected by macaques’ ranging behavior. The aims of these study are: (1) examining the seed dispersal pattern of macaques. (2) examining how macaques affect early recruitment of Lauraceae seeds at Fushan Experimental Forest. Study species: Litsea acuminata, Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, Machilus zuihoensis Examine seed germination and seedling survival under the following condition: - Distances to parent tree: 0m, >30m - Habitat types (forest, open area) - Seed densities (single, clump of 10 seeds)