Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership is based on individual control over all decisions of the group, with very little contribution from the group. They make their decisions based on their own ideas and beliefs and don’t take others’ advice. It is a task orientated style of leadership Autocratic leadership works well with younger children in a cognitive stage of learning and in areas where guidance and direction is needed, particularly in dangerous activities.
Advantages of Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership works well in situations where things need to be done quickly or if there is only one way that things can be done. Also in sports with stressful situations and sports where motivation is needed, an autocratic leader can keep group members on task, for example fitness programmes. Autocratic is always focussed on winning at all costs.
Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership Autocratic leadership is seen as being bossy and controlling, and does not care for the well being of athletes on the team, usually only focussed on winning for the one season, and doesn’t have plans for the future of the team. The group being led could become against their leader when they don’t get any say in what is happening in the team, and negative relationships can begin to build.
Who Benefits? An autocratic leadership style will work well in a large group of athletes, for example in pre-season where coaches are putting players to work to select a top squad, because more supportive, democratic styles are not as effective for large groups and complex work as they are time consuming, where in training athletes need to get focused on their work and decisions need to be made quickly by coaching staff. Young and inexperienced athletes will benefit more having an autocratic coach than a coach that asks them what they want to do, as they are most likely not fully focused, and given the option to do what they want, they most likely won’t do very much at all, or being inexperienced they may not know what they need to work on. A coach that directs them fully will have a group of young players that will do what they ask of them and they will learn cognitive skills well.