Man, manu = hand word roots
emancipate to set free, to lend a hand in freeing someone, to release from someone’s hands
President Lincoln worked to emancipate the slaves during the 1860s. The man wished he could emancipate himself from his cruel working environment.
manacles handcuffs
The prisoner’s manacles prevented him from using his hands to escape. Then he felt the lock give, and he gave a shout of delight as the manacles came away from his wrist.
manager a person who has the upper hand; a person who is in charge of someone or something
The manager at the store interviewed people to become cashiers. We asked to speak with the manager of the restaurant after the waitress was rude to us.
mandate an order or command placed in one’s hands
It is a mandate for children to obey their parents. The government mandates all people to wear seat belts in cars.
maneuver to handily or skillfully go around something
Mrs. Cabaj was able to maneuver the remote control car around the cones. The skilled driver quickly maneuvered around the box that fell on the freeway.
manicure a treatment for the hands and nails
Many people like to have a weekly manicure to take care of their nails. We will go to the salon to get a manicure for our nails.
manipulate to skillfully operate by hand
Magicians are able to manipulate objects quickly so it appears that they disappear. The crane operator was able to manipulate the control to carefully knock down the building.
manual a handbook; a book of directions
Dad read the bike manual to know how to assemble Mia’s birthday present. The new job came with an employee’s manual to outline the company’s policies and expectations.
manufacture to make by hand or by machine; to change raw materials into a new product
Nike wanted to manufacture a running shoe that would be lightweight and durable. The factory will manufacture desks made from recycled materials.
manuscript a handwritten or typed piece of writing, such as a book
The original manuscript of the classic Beowulf can be found at the British Library in London. The author sent her manuscript to hundreds of publishers before her book was accepted to publish.