Roman Catholic Church Puritans Roman Catholic ChurchProtestant reformation 1517 Martin Luther – 95 theses; John Calvin Roman Catholic ChurchChurch of England PuritansPilgrims
Puritan – someone who wished to further “purify” the Church of England Felt that the English Reformation (split from Roman Catholic Church) did not go far enough “Sola fides” – faith alone
Felt Anglican churches were too lenient in who was allowed to be join church Unhappy with leadership/clergy Wanted to eliminate anything not directly related to worship of God Symbolism, holidays, rituals, clothing, etc. – viewed as unnecessary for worship/reverence of God
Core beliefs: “Total depravity” – Original Sin; every person is a slave to sin; natural instincts are to be selfish and sinful “Unconditional election” – God has chosen who will receive his mercy; people cannot win God’s mercy through virtue, merit, or faith; those chosen are saved, those not chosen receive God’s wrath
Reconciling predestination with personal responsibility “Covenant of grace” Submission to God’s rule and living in accordance with his moral law (i.e. “good behaviors”) is a response to grace Good behaviors do not earn God’s good favor – they are the result of accepting his grace and cultivating/applying it
God’s grace God chooses who will receive it, and it is irresistible Must “empty self” to receive God’s grace Must place total trust in God/Covenant of Grace Must maintain grace via correct reason and will to combat doubt
Individual must want to accept grace and then maintain/cultivate saving faith in order to fulfill Covenant of Grace
Pilgrims – Puritans who saw no hope in reforming Church of England (i.e. “Separatist”) Wanted to set up individual churches set up by covenants Each member of church would covenant pledging faith and allegiance to church community
Individual church covenants – “freely initiated but perpetually binding”
Separating from Church of England was treasonous by English law – had to remain hidden/secretive or face arrest Pilgrims (a community of Puritan separatist from Scrooby, Nottinghamshire), to escape persecution, travelled to Netherlands in early 1600s
Life in Netherlands was far from perfect, so they petitioned England for a grant of land in New World Originally aimed for Virginia, but ended up in Plymouth, Massachusettes