Development in the context of MDGs and Disability (Bratislava Conference, 14/15 May 2007)
Definitions of individual poverty 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues People living on less than 1 USD/day (MDGs) National ‚below the poverty line‘-population Health and Education indicators > child mortality and enrolment to primary education (HDI) > Economic and Social Situation of Individuals > What‘s about political and social environment?
Definition from an Human Rights View Adapting the definition of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities: Poverty is an evolving concept, and exclusion from development results from the interaction between persons living in poverty and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders their full and active participation in society on an equal basis with others 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
Assessment of poverty situation Situation of the individual in all dimensions: economic, social, poltical, cultural, environmental, … situation Situation at the local community level: forms of discrimination, segregation, participation, … 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
Assessment of poverty situation Situation at the level of politics: exclusion, access to (human) rights, political participation Structural relations in place on local, regional, national and international level > Own assessment! 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
DEVELOPMENT Inclusion Based Twin Tracking, combining Empowerment with programmes addressing the ‘mainstream population’ for an inclusion-friendly environment Rights Based Empowerment, strengthening groups of persons living in poverty to demand their rights Needs Based Development, providing support to set up systems to help people to help themselves Pity Based Charity, giving hand outs to individual 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
DISABILITY Inclusion Based Social Model Rights Based Needs Based Medical Model Pity Based Charity Model 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
MDGs Inclusion Based > are setting Goals, targets and indicators, but do not do not define how to reach the gaols and targets Rights Based e.g., why not setting up a Global Fund of 9,2 billion EUR a year, handing out 10 EUR per Needs Based month as school fee to each of the 77 Million children out of school? Pity Based 1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues
1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues To make the MDGs inclusive, it needs - Targets specifically addressing marginalised and exluded groups - Indicators showing the level of Inclusion of the marginalised and excluded groups MDGs & Inclusion based development
1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues To achieve the MDGs, it needs - a wholistic concept of poverty to be the basis - a committment to pro-poor development (budgetting, creating access, …) - to stop the exclusion of socially marginalised groups, often being the poorest of the poor MDGs & Inclusion based development
1. Definitions 2. Concepts 3. Key Issues The success of Poverty Reduction Programmes can be measured on how far they have reached the most marginalised and excluded groups in society.