Confucianis m Knowing Your Place
China’s Feudal Age China was divided into many warring kingdoms - No unity, anarchy reigned. K’ung Fu-tzu ( BC) worked for city-state of Lu. Wondered why things were bad??? Did he exist? Was he created as a foil to Christian evangelism? Name means “Master Teacher” and ideas predate his existence. Depictions show in wrong clothing
The Master Finds His Answer Looked into distant past to a time of order King Wu Wang & the Duke of Zhou The Duke knew his place & accepted it. Chaos in present b/c people acted outside of social status CONFUCIUS
Develops “Confucianism” for PEACE & STABILITY Rigid Social hierarchy based on social relationships and mutual obligations 5 Key Relationships 1) Emperor to subject 2) father to son 3) husband to wife 4) older to younger brother 5) friend to friend
“Face”, the Glue of the System You must appear to be that which you are. If not, you have broken the relationship and no obligations exist. Don’t humiliate others as that makes them “lose face” Face in China in Business
The Emperor’s Role Mandate of Heaven Emperor rules because god chose him to be born as If he loses face, citizens don’t have to treat him as emperor… REVOLUTION!!!
A Man’s First Responsibility is in Service to the Emperor Chun-tzu = educated upper class. Work to support & maintain the system Law of Avoidance = b/c of 5 Key Relationship’s emphasis on family, chun- tzu must work away from home to avoid nepotism
What of Women??? What of Women??? NO authority outside home. But as chun-tzu worked elsewhere, women ran the home AND FOOTBINDING??? Used to set upper class women apart to show class ONE OF THE LAST WOMEN WITH BOUND FEET
Modern Beauty Rituals who are we to judge???
The Analects of Confucius Confucian “Bible” Book of Quotations from Confucius Tells how to live in the middle and to avoid excess in any form.
Along Comes Chu Hsi Retooled Chinese philosophy by adding in Buddhist elements = NEO- CONFUCIANISM Now a religion Supreme Ultimate (god) = the force Li and Chi
Confucian Society 1) Farmers were at the top (produce food to maintain order). Then 2) Police (provide the order) then 3) Artisans (make tools for top two). 4) Merchants on bottom (opposite Europe, reason for relative decline)
Confucianism in our world Authority more important than rights Education important Peace and order essential Use of military means balance has been lost Teaching Confucius today Teaching Confucius today Teaching Confucius today