Introduction to Ag Mrs. Cox
Agriculture Today Chalk Talk: What do you think Agriculture is today? What does it mean to you?
How did we do? Concerned with plants and animals and their related supplies, services, mechanics, products, processing, and marketing related to plants, animals and the environment.
Who’s the Best What state do you think is the top agriculture producer?
Agriculture in California Top Agriculture State, for over 50 years. 350 different crops. 77,000 farms and ranches, that cover about 1/3 of the states total land area. $32 billion a year. Grows more than half of the nation’s fruit, vegetables and nuts. What would happen if Ag disappeared in California?
Top 10 Commodities 1. Milk and Cream 2. Grapes 3. Nursery Products 4. Almonds 5. Lettuce 6. Strawberries 7. Cattle/ Calves 8. Tomatoes 9. Flowers 10. Hay
Only in California Almonds Artichokes Figs Olives Persimmons Pomegranates Prunes Raisins Walnuts
What’s in it for me? What’s the first career that comes to mind when you hear career in agriculture? How many different careers are there in agriculture?
Ag. Sales & Supplies Ag. Products & Processing Ag. Production Ag. Mechanics Agribusiness & Management Renewable Natural Resources Agriscience Horticulture Careers in Agriculture
Career Challenge Blind Taste Test Pepsi Coke Challenge
Taste 1 Career A Avg one makes $400,000 Works with international people Often criticized by the public Career B Avg makes $1.5 million Works with international people In charge of many workers aka “the boss”
Taste 2 Career A Limited subject areas Generally Indoors Well respected position Career B Broader subject areas Generally More Outdoors Well respected position
Taste 3 Career A Sell consumable product wide variety of people Customers do not always need your product, you build their need Career B Sell non-consumable product wide variety of people Customers need your product, you build relationships
Choices are made! We will reveal the names of each career How important are these names for us? Why do we have names?
Taste 1 President of U.S. Avg one makes $400,000 Works with international people Often criticized by the public CEO Ag Company Avg makes $1.5 million Works with international people In charge of many workers aka “the boss”
Taste 2 Other Teacher Limited subject areas Generally Indoors Well respected position Ag Teacher Broader subject areas Generally More Outdoors Well respected position
Taste 3 Sales Sell consumable product Opportunity to travel Customers do not always need your product, you build their need Ag Sales Sell non-consumable product Opportunity to travel Customers always need your product, you build relationships
What happened in our taste test? Brainstorm in groups of three as many careers as possible for each pathway Each group should get at least one unique career down for each pathway Put names on it - Ticket out the door!
Ag. Sales & Supplies Ag. Products & Processing Ag. Production Ag. Mechanics Agribusiness & Management Renewable Natural Resources Agriscience Horticulture Careers in Agriculture
Occupations in Ag Farmers and Ranchers Purchasing Agents and Buyers Farm Products Food Scientists and Technologists Soil and Plant Scientists Farm and Home Management Advisors Fishers and Related Fishing Workers Landscapers Hunters and Trappers Packers and Packagers Biologists Microbiologists Agricultural Technicians Veterinary Assistants Laboratory Animal Caretakers Animal Breeders Nursery and Greenhouse Managers Aquacultural Managers Management Analysts Soil and Water Conservationists Park Naturalists Foresters Many More…
Lets take the time to see just how many jobs are available today related to this ag class!