Toddrick’s Shape Scrapbook By:Toddrick Newton
The perimeter, P, of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(l + w) where l is the length width of the rectangle. Area = w × h w = width h = height rectangleformula
To find the area of a triangle, multiply the base by the height, and then divide by 2. The division by 2 comes from the fact that a parallelogram can be divided into 2 triangles The perimeter, P, of a triangle is given by the formula P = a + b + ctriangleformula
Since the total measure of the angles of a Euclidean triangle is 180 degrees, this means that the angles of an equilateral triangle all measure 60 degrees. The area of an equilateral triangle may be calculated when the length of one its sides is known.
Square Area of a rectangle = length * width Perimeter of a rectangle = 2*length + 2*width