Dr. Owen’s Field Guide to Smart Growth
Introduction Purpose, Scope, Magnitude Purpose, Scope, Magnitude Method of Inquiry Method of Inquiry Timing and Owen’s Selection Timing and Owen’s Selection Cafeteria Style Choices Cafeteria Style Choices Distinction: Growth Control vs. Growth Management Distinction: Growth Control vs. Growth Management
Terminology Sustainable Community Sustainable Community New Urbanism New Urbanism Smart Growth Smart Growth What Terminology for Allen County / Fort Wayne? What Terminology for Allen County / Fort Wayne? Urban Sprawl Urban Sprawl
The 10 Principles of Smart Growth 1. Create a Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices. 2. Create Walkable Neighborhoods. 3. Encourage Community and Stakeholder Collaboration. 4. Foster Distinctive, Attractive Communities with a Strong Sense of Place. 5. Make Development Decisions Predictable, Fair and Cost Effective. 6. Provide for Mixed Land Use 7. Preserve Farmland, Open Space, etc. 8. Provide a Variety of Transportation Choices. 9. Strengthen and Direct Development Towards Existing Communities. 10. Utilize Compact Building Design.
Smart Growth Practices: Large & Small Large Practices Large Practices Federal Federal Congress, Supreme Court Congress, Supreme Court State State Hawaii, California, and Indiana Hawaii, California, and Indiana Regions Regions COGS COGS Consolidated City–County: Consolidated City–County: Lexington, Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky City-County Cooperation City-County Cooperation Ramapo, NY: APFO Ramapo, NY: APFO Lancaster County, CA: USP Lancaster County, CA: USP Towns / Villages Towns / Villages Carmel, IN: Village of West Clay Carmel, IN: Village of West Clay Chesterton, IN: Coffee Creek Center Chesterton, IN: Coffee Creek Center
Smart Growth Practices: Large & Small Continued Small Practices (A.K.A. Smart Growth Tools) Small Practices (A.K.A. Smart Growth Tools) Performance Zoning Performance Zoning Urban Infill Urban Infill Transfer of Development Rights Transfer of Development Rights Down Zoning Down Zoning Purchase of Development Rights Purchase of Development Rights Cluster Growth Cluster Growth Zoning Overlay District Zoning Overlay District Building Salvage Building Salvage Traffic Calming Traffic Calming Transect Transect Traditional Neighborhood Design Traditional Neighborhood Design Brownfield/Greenfield Development Brownfield/Greenfield Development Mixed Use Development Mixed Use Development Exurbia Exurbia Walkability (Greenways, e.g.) Walkability (Greenways, e.g.) Planned Unit Development Planned Unit Development Inter-Modal Transportation Inter-Modal Transportation Alley Loading Design Alley Loading Design Historical Preservation Historical Preservation Comprehensive Plan - Zoning Ordinance - Building Code Comprehensive Plan - Zoning Ordinance - Building Code
Quick Search Bibliography New Urbanism: Comprehensive Report and Best Practices Guide, New Urban Publications, Ithaca, N.Y. New Urbanism: Comprehensive Report and Best Practices Guide, New Urban Publications, Ithaca, N.Y. The practice of Local Government Planning third ed, International City/County Management Association, Washington, D.C. The practice of Local Government Planning third ed, International City/County Management Association, Washington, D.C.
Web Links Web Links: Web Links: For information on Indiana projects go to your search engine and type: SMART GROWTH INDIANA For information on Indiana projects go to your search engine and type: SMART GROWTH INDIANA