Michael’s mum and dad have lost their job at the brickworks and are going to sell their house. They have decided to buy a boat and are going to try to travel around the world.
Michael and his family have now set off on their journey around the world. Mum is the skipper and has been very sea sick.
SHIP’S LOG In ship’s log Michael writes all about what he has done on the ship so far. He draws pictures of different sea creatures and a picture of mum as the skipper.
Michael has just fallen off of the Peggy Sue in the middle of the night and is terrified. Michael thought he could see Stella but it was just Eddie’s football. He grabbed hold of it but after a while he drifted to sleep. He then woke up and found himself on the shore of a beach. He then seen Stella pouncing towards him.
Kensuke was a tall,old and thin man.He had a large knife in his belt. Every morning there was food beside Michael’s cave. Michael was not allowed to light a fire or swim in the ocean.
Abunai! MMichael was shouting,” I’m here,I’m here”. He could see a ship so it lit the fire but the smoke was not strong enough for the ship to see. MMichael was burning with anger so he thought to himself I will build a bigger and much stronger beacon not down on the beach where Kensuke could find it but up on watch hill where he could not find it.
All That Silence Said MMichael had just been paralysed by a jellyfish and he wakes up for a little while and smells vinegar he thinks he is at home because dad used to always drown the chips in vinegar. BBut then he opened his eyes and saw Kensuke but only for a small amount of time as he fell back to sleep. He lies there for a long amount of time and when he is better he thinks to himself that he is very lucky to be alive.
Kensuke now tells Michael his story. “I tell you everything now Micasan I was a doctor. Doctor Kensuke Ogawa but one day war came I had to be a doctor on big warship but our ship was bombed and I realised I was the only one left on the boat but it was moving itself and it brought me here and that is how I got all of the sheets and things like that.”
The Night of the Turtles Kensuke woke Michael up in the middle of the night and said,” look,” there were thousands of tiny turtles scurrying across the beach some were not strong enough to make it into the water so Kensuke and Michael carried them into the water they spent the whole night helping them but when the morning came they had to shoe the birds away.
There was a boat out a sea Michael told Kensuke to come but when Kensuke saw he said, “oh no”! they had to collect all the gibbons but they could not find Kikanbo. They could hear gun fire but when the Killer Men left they looked around for Kikanbo and then he pounced out at them. They could then see another boat out at sea it was the Peggy Sue!!! THE END