The FY03 Budget Process and Prospects for FY04 John Cooper Particle Physics Division CDF Finance Board Meeting April 4, 2003
Here’s how our budget cycle worked this year August 2002 – Guidance from Directorate Expected less than the President’s budget which had been our working model since February New number implied cuts in Materials and Services (M&S) and about 100 less staff (about 5%) –Voluntary Early Retirement offered to 750 (of 2100) The specific guidance for PPD was Reduce staff by about 10% M&S budget reduced by 7% relative to FY02 Lost 12 FTEs to early retirement (2.2%), but have to pay buyout costs Started transferring people to other divisions –13 so far, more to come Clearly slanted to push people to the Beams Division to work on Run II
PPD internal allocation Late August / September –asked all groups for their FY03 M&S request –Requests totaled 14,455 K$ -- These are NOT frivolous –I examined all requests and challenged / cut many items –My allocation was 9,754 K$ (typically 67% ) –Continuing Resolutions limited our budgets until this week For CDF this meant –1908 K$ request for experimental operations (common / US sub-detectors + host lab functions) –I cut “requests” to 1886 K$ = 99% of request –Then the PPD allocation is 1536 K$ = 81% of request reflecting guidance from spokespersons that PPD could expect 350 K$ of non-US contributions This PPD allocation includes a modest contingency – this was returned (plus some, total of 200 K$) to allow ONE term to permanent in Online Group That is, CDF is being treated VERY WELL
PPD FY03 Salary Allocations We fully staffed the CDF support groups The Online group (but took M&S back to do this), the Electrical Support Group, and the Mechanical Support Group. All these people are paid about 4% more than in FY02 Overtime tech shift support was cut Request was 156 K$ This was cut to 20K$ and the shift structure was changed It’s proposed to change again to no overnight coverage The CDF Guest Budget request has been reduced by about a third from the peak at construction for Run IIa. We plan to cut this further to about half the construction peak (but = FY97 level) in the future
FY03 Summary for CDF Got 99% of M&S operations request 81% plus 18% expected contributions Got 100% of the requested support group staff But had to slash overtime to 13% of FY02 CDF treated VERY WELL –My deliberate choice for a priority running experiment –DZero got equal treatment –The rest of my division got 59% of their requests
Prospects for the Future We expect M&S costs to decline as they did in Run I Dropped to 80% level in 2 nd year Run I
Prospects for FY04 (next year) We already know the President’s budget It is tight for the whole laboratory It won’t get any better through congressional actions PPD Guidance is a FLAT-FLAT budget = Same $ But pay people more, so must continue to lose people PPD view of FY04 for CDF FY K$ M&S declines to 1600 K$ –Roughly consistent with Run I experience, –BUT we have to count on it and it will not be easy »e.g L3 items delayed from this year to next (can we delay next year’s to the year after that?) Try to keep full staff at CDF – will also be difficult No Overtime -- required