Plurilingual Education in Europe Council of Europe language education policy
Council of Europe language education policy aims to promote: Plurilingualism Linguistic diversity Mutual understanding Democratic citizenship Social cohesion.
A plurilingual person has: a repertoire of languages and language varieties competences of different kinds and levels within the repertoire Plurilingual education promotes: an awareness of why and how one learns the languages one has chosen an awareness of and the ability to use transferable skills in language learning a respect for the plurilingualism of others and the value of languages and varieties irrespective of their perceived status In society a respect for the cultures embodied in languages and the cultural identities of others an ability to perceive and mediate the relationships which exist among languages and cultures a global Integrated approach to language education In the curriculum.
The European Centre for Modern Languages(ECML) The European Centre for Modern Languages (Graz) was established in 1994.
The Common European Framework divides learners into three broad divisions which can be divided into six levels: A Basic Speaker o A1 Breakthrough o A2 Waystage B Independent Speaker o B1 Threshold o B2 Vantage C Proficient Speaker o C1 Effective Operational Proficiency o C2 Mastery
The European Day of Languages aims: to raise awareness of the rich linguistic diversity of Europe, which should be maintained and promoted to promote language learning and greater diversity In languages learned to encourage the development of lifelong language learning as a way of responding to economic, social and cultural changes In Europe.
European language education policy instruments and initiatives: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR)
The European Language Portfolio (ELP)-2001 It is a personal document which allows the owner to show achievements and competences in different languages, at any level, in an internationally transparent manner, and to record significant contacts with other cultures.
ELP aims to: help people in their life-long pursuit of language learning, deepen knowledge about the goals of language learning and methods, assess the learner's language proficiency level as well as learning strategies.
ELP has two main functions: the pedagogical function the documentation and reporting function.
The Sections of the Language Portfolio Overview Language Passport Language Biography Dossier.
Armenian Version of the ELP It was created in 2003 and is intended for the pupils of primary schools in Armenia.
CONCLUSION: The Council of Europe will continue to contribute to the promotion of linguistic diversity and plurilingualism in language education policy.