FCA Motocross Report May Leadership Meetings
Current Staff Dale Hop – Trackside Ministry Coordinator Steve Hudson - Chaplain
FCA Motocross Camp should be available to every racer marks a 5 th year of excellence in Motocross Training Camps. In 2007 FCA MX will lead (2) Motocross Partnership Camps and (3) Trackside Training Camps. We anticipate upwards of 300 campers in Historically 25% of campers make a new faith commitment at Motocross Camp. Camp is a great tool for recruiting leaders for Teams and Trackside Ministry.
Trackside Ministry developed at every motocross track. Our campus is the race track. FCA Motocross Teams and Volunteers provide chapel services, prayer, acts of service and friendship to the race community. Over 100 volunteers are involved in 10 race teams and/or ministry in 15 states.
FCA Motocross Race Teams developed in every community. A community is defined by geography and or a Race series. It can be as small as a local race track or as large as a state. FCA Volunteers engage the community and serve where most needed- not just in mx sports. Currently (6) Adult MX Booster Clubs manage the local ministry. Weekly Bible Study Huddles led by MX racers are forming around the country. FCA continues to serve alongside these Professional and includes Professional racers in our Camp and Trackside Ministries In 2007 we are excited to include Tony DiStefano- 3 time AMA Motocross Championships. Tony D will be leading 2 Trackside Camps for FCA.
2007 Impact Report (September – May) Total Event Attendees- Each weekend over 200 racers gather at various MX tracks around the country- FCA Motocross Teams and Volunteers are in 14 states. Total Faith Commitments- (7) that I am aware of Volunteers- over 100 Current Board Members- (6) on the newly formed FCA MX Board Partnerships- FCA Partners with Steve Hudson of SXMX Ministries, Team Faith, Faith Racers, The CMA, Team Jesus and more Ways to utilize FCA Motocross in your local area. 1. Spend a few minutes at fcamx.com. Check out our Game Plan and schedule. 2. Identify MX racers in your community and introduce FCA Motocross 3. FCA MX Staff are hear to serve you as you develop local ministry. The biggest win of 2007 is our growth locally and nationally = influence.