Assessment for Learning
Today’s Essential Questions What is formative assessment? How do changes in teacher-generated questions impact teaching and learning? How can I plan to support assessment for learning in my own classroom?
Formative Assessment Using evidence of student learning to adapt teaching and learning to meet student needs. ~Dylan Wiliam
A General Model What do we want students to know and be able to do? (Standards) What do students know? What can they do? (Assessment) How do we move from here to there? (FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT)
Formative Assessment Strategies Share learning intentions and criteria(Set and share goal/target for student learning) Elicit student thinking and evidence of understanding(Solicit and listen to comments from students comments, answers, questions, or problems related to goals)
Formative Assessment Strategies Provide effective feedback that moves students forward Engage students in peer- and self- assessment(Asks questions that encourage students to think) Use formative assessment information in instructional planning(summative as formative sometimes)
Formative Assessment Strategies There are posters labeled with each of the five general strategies. Circulate and list specific examples of how you implement this strategy in your teaching. Gallery walk: read what others have posted-check agree with, add more examples I will summarize to the Google document.
Sharing Learning Intentions Set and share goal/target for student learning “Essential Questions”
What is the triangle inequality theorem? Let’s examine some “essential questions”.
New Essential Questions What is the triangle inequality theorem? VS. What is the relationship between the side lengths of any triangle? Can any three side lengths be used to form a triangle? Why or why not?
What is the function of the muscle? Rewrite: How does the muscle effect…?
What was the Manhattan Project? Rewrite: How did the Manhattan Project effect…? Describe the relationship between…?
Evaluate this question. Describe 3 reasons the Progressives gained power in the early 1900’s.
Your Turn Pick a topic that you will be teaching in an upcoming class Identify (from text) or write essential questions for your chosen topic. Work with a partner to ensure the questions are exploratory.
Sharing Criteria Velcro Wall Reports Constructing a rubric
Exit Slip for today What have you learned about formative assessment? What do you still want to know? How can I begin to support assessment for learning with my students?
You can enhance or destroy students’ desire to succeed in school more quickly and permanently through your use of assessment than any other tools you have at your disposal. Rick Stiggins Assessment Trainers Institute