NATIONAL LOTTERIES BOARD Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Arts & Culture
Presentation Outline Regulatory Framework Governance Structure Functions of the Board Functions of the Distributing Agencies Strategic Objectives of the NLB Strategic Objectives of ACENH Funding Beneficiary Categories Strategic Focus Interventions: Equitable Distribution Impact of Funding Allocations per Province & Sector Questions/Discussions 2
Regulatory Framework The National Lotteries Act establishes the National Lotteries Board Sets up the process for awarding the licence Establishes the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF) Sets up the process of Distribution Sets up process for Monitoring & Regulating Private & Society Lotteries Promotional Competitions 3
Gidani NLB NLDTF DA Charities DA Art & Culture DA Sport DA RDP DA Misc 28% 45% 22% 5% 0% Weekly transfer Central Applications Office REGULATOR Monitors activities through Licence NGOs CBOs Applications Governance..Structure Operates the National Lottery 4
Functions of the Board Advise the Minister on the issuing of Licence/s on the percentages allocated to good causes on the efficacy of Legislation related to Lotteries Protection of Players Maximize proceeds to good causes Administer NLDTF Monitor & Regulate Other Lotteries Manage the Central Applications Office 5
Functions of Distributing Agencies Appointed by the Minister of Trade & Industry for a period of 5 yrs Develop criteria and guidelines for allocation of funding as directed by the Minister Adjudicate applications for funding Review project progress-and site visit reports 6
Strategic Objectives of the NLB 7 Improve effectiveness of funding from the NLDTF Strengthen Compliance and Regulation Explore Alternative Revenue Streams for NLDTF Improve the Image and Publicity of the Board and NLDTF Improve Governance
Strategic Objectives of ACENHDA support for initiatives designed to protect and promote traditional knowledge and cultural expressions promotional work of arts and craft, literature, theatre, music, dance and festivals. development and preservation of cultural heritage and environment. 8
Beneficiary Categories 9 NGO’s Section 21 Companies Non-Profit Trusts PBO’s / CBO’s Universities Parastatals Municipalities Schools
Strategic Focus 10 Disabled people and women: the sector has identified this as a major area that needs funding, given inter alia the fact that women and the disabled have contributed in the sector equally as their counterparts over the past few years Equitable distribution: Attempts to ensure 50/50 rural/urban split have been intensified-hampered by large number of non-compliant applications in rural areas
Interventions to foster equitable distribution 11 National Road shows [capacity building workshops] Regional Offices roll-out Partnerships New Regulations published in July 2010 which prescribes minimum allocation of 50% to identified priority areas [with big emphasis on rural areas ]
Impact of Funding 12 Total allocation to date for 2010/2011: R766,941, Disbursed to date ( ) : R875,330, Most of the funding still goes to what was previously known as the hubs of Arts and Culture as Gauteng, Western Cape and KZN. With the latest NLDTF regulations of 20 July 2010 the DA is putting more effort to fund provinces with less allocations Legacy project for 2010 FIFA World Cup have been funded up to R166,960, for projects within the Sector
Allocations: 1Apr ‘10- 3 Feb ‘11 Province Provincial Spread (%)Provincial Spread (R) Eastern Cape7%R51,644, Free State1%R 8,037, Gauteng34%R259,445, KZN Natal11%R 86,800, Limpopo2%R 15,628, Mpumalanga3%R 26,808, Northern Cape0.5%R 4,483, North West0.4%R 2,778, Western Cape20%R 60,346, Other calls22%166,960, Total100%R 766,941,
Challenges..distribution of funds Equitable distribution First come, First served [adjudication] High decline rate Lack of/Inadequate impact measurement Operational model Turnaround times 14